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Full Version: Unban ASR Sanchez (Unban Request Denied by Savy)
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Your LFS Username: Sanchez

● Time & Date of Incident: I have no idea

● Replay / Screenshot Link: i am very curious to see it
● Replay Timestamps:

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: Actually i have no idea why i got banned. I saw that only now, while i was browsing my Basic Cop training thread. There i saw a post from Stunna where he wrote that i am banned for a year for racism.
So please share with me the replay or a screenshot, because i'm 100% sure that i did nothing, atleast no racism. I don't think that my account was hacked, or somebody else were used my S2 licence. I didn't started to play on TC after 2 years, to be banned for 1 year, after 2 weeks of driving...
Waiting your answer.
Best regards!
You was banned for saying the n word on the server, here is the chatlog just in case you don't remember.

2012-07-25 14:34:51 UTC Jamaica ASR Sanchez Sanchez : csuma *Removed*Smile
It was when i said hi to djdok. The word was *Removed* i think, which is racism? a 365 day ban?Smile i think saying f..k is more bannable then that. I was writing in hungarian, csuma means a kind of hi. But a year ban for that? I even wasn't think that is a racist word, just because even black peoples are using it, and i didn't used it for racism.

I came back to TC after a nearly 2yrs lfs break. Do you want to make another year for a word, which isn't as wrong as it says?
Racism is taken very seriously here and its a automatic 1year ban, although you might not of meant it to be harmful, others can easily take it as a racist comment and can be offended by it.
Yeah, but you should make a ban for dunno, 7days, and if the user is reported by an another user for racism text, than the 1year ban. Actually i'm checking some only encyclopedy's to see, that what is actually this word means, but i didn't found anywhere that this word is racist so far. Smile

Ok, nevermind. It is possible to be unbanned, or changed the ban duration for max 1 month, or less?just because that was my first kind of racist fault, and was a word which is not 100% known that is racist or not..
Best regards,
Here is a quote for you: emphasizing that it was chosen in the South precisely because it was more offensive than "colored."


There's a link which you can also check.

Our rules clearly show that racism is taken seriously here and your ban will remain at 1year.

Unban request denied.

Unban Request Denied
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