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Hey guys

Wanting to put an ActiveX in my Microsoft Excel sheet.

Cant figure out (nor can google) how to get it to autoload a set URL for when the workbook opens?

Anyone got any ideas?


No. ActiveX needs to die in a fire, it's been outdated for over 10 years.

Use vbs instead, there's plenty of stuff floating around about how to use it to grab and parse URLs.
Basically I need an iFrame in excel... Is this possible via vbs? Smile
Yes but you won't be able to access content of the iFrame if you wanted to scrape data from it.
You'd grab the source of the URL and parse/scrape that.
You don't want a frame unless you're planning on displaying an actual webpage. If you *do* want to display a webpage as is, you probably don't want to be using excel (although it is probably possible).
Reference URL's