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Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Printable Version

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Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Adorable - 2016-03-26 17:04


I'm suggesting limiting the maximum COPs allowed to join a single pursuit.

Today I was in a chase where 10 COPs joined as a backup. And another COP who initiated the pursuit making them 11 however.

Obviously, Every COP joining the chase will have atleast 1 chance of making 1 contact with me. And making me boxed, And/Or making slight damage due to manueuvers applyed on my car.

I ended up winning the chase however, I had to use sneaky tactics that I felt really bad for using... Including throwing COPs on barriers (turns out to be an allowed move), Brake checking them really hard and making them crash on my rear, Switching lanes quickly and braking and P.I.Ting the COP, Refuelling in short bursts 3% and accelerating quickly to not to get busted and making a COP get stuck in a pit stop and evading later. To counter their abilities

Effectively, Peoples started throwing hate here and there, 'stop crying' when I get pushed really hard with full throttle effect.

To stay on topic, I suggest limiting maximum COPs joining a chase to : 5 Making them 6 including the COP who initiated the pursuit. (Sounds reasonable I guess)

To make the game well balanced, Atleast robbers will have a chance to escape, Considering that COPs can setup unlimited roadblocks, And to avoid making chases waaaaay too long, my chase as an example:

[Image: 2016_03_26_17_20_58_897_Copy.jpg]

This was my suspension few moments before escaping:
[Image: 2016_03_26_18_05_36_278.jpg]

Making any further COPs joining finding me as an easy meat.

Thanks for reading, There will be a poll above to vote and don't hesitate to share your opinion down there in a post!

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Carl - 2016-03-26 17:14

(2016-03-26 17:04)Mr.AD Wrote:  I ended up winning the chase however, I had to use sneaky tactics that I felt really bad for using... Including throwing COPs on barriers (turns out to be an allowed move), Brake checking them really hard and making them crash on my rear, Refuelling in short bursts and making a COP get stuck in a pit stop and evading later. To counter their abilities

^ The above, although allowed I can see this being seen as being a bad sport. Drive fast and clean is the best kind.

I understand your idea, which is to make, what you think an unbalanced system into a more balanced system. But in my opinion, it's already balanced. If you're not fast enough, you're busted. Restricting the amount of COPs then restricts gameplay too, COPs won't be always able to join chases if this was implemented.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Nathan - 2016-03-26 17:21

No. Drive faster.. in real life they don't limit cops

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Adorable - 2016-03-26 17:25

I recall Pete talking about being chased by about 30 COPs while he was in a FXO. He got busted, I truly feel his pain... Scared

Sneaky tactics seems effective however, It'll draw the hate on the peoples chasing you, U-Turning and constantly PITing / throwing them / changing trajectory quickly and many other sneaky tactics that helped me keep up and win. It'll however result in : Never being chased at all. I recall that beating some COPs many times often made them no longer interested in chasing me.

But speaking off speed. I can consider myself quick as some COPs who joined barely had the chance to even touch me. But as always, roadblocks will yet slow you down.

(2016-03-26 17:21)Nathan Wrote:  No. Drive faster.. in real life they don't limit cops

This is not real life however an attempt of being as close as possible to real life due to LFS limitations.

I believe that COPs right now have some advantages, So as a result, I'm gonna either work as a COP. Or simply won't play pursuits at all. As I'm gonna be earning money and transferring my funds to the COPs ho ho... Not gonna happen Wink

I do however have some fun time playing and where things get intense it's well worth spending the money on a pursuit Smile

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Carl - 2016-03-26 17:43

What kind of advantages are you talking about?

imo, COPs are supposed to have some sort of advantage over the suspect anyway, this being backup and roadblocks. Whether you win or lose, depends on how fast you are in comparison to COP 1. Using small tricks along the way to shake them off is what helps too.

But harsh brake checking and driving dirty is a big no no for me Biggrin causes the chase to become messy and can even cause crashes with others outside of the chase. Not to mention the COPs are more likely to miscalculate because they have to compensate for such strange driving. It will only take one bad move for.. you guessed it.. more reports. Biggrin

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Borja - 2016-03-26 17:43

No , i think that there shouldnt be the limit of 4 at same time, so , dont like your idea.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Adorable - 2016-03-26 17:53

Not 4. 6

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Brad - 2016-03-26 17:53

(2016-03-26 17:04)Mr.AD Wrote:  ... Including throwing COPs on barriers (turns out to be an allowed move),

False. What was said was that these moves are "grey-areas" and whoever uses them is taking a risk that they are taken to be beyond that fine-line and action taken. The golden advice is: "would I complain/report if the other player did that to me?".

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Adorable - 2016-03-26 17:56

Oh I get the full picture now, I'll refrain from doing these in the future then... Ohmy

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - KaraK - 2016-03-26 17:58

(2016-03-26 17:53)Brad Wrote:  The golden advice is: "would I complain/report if the other player did that to me?".

You sure that's the correct advice here, considering the person you're talking to? Tongue

Also, about the suggestion: no. I don't feel there is a need to limit this.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Warped - 2016-03-26 18:03

Get better at the game is my advice, if you can't outrun the police.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Roba - 2016-03-26 18:10

Being slower than the cops and 'taking them out' as you mentioned, is the best way to get as much backup as is available along with a looong chase, as in your case.

Drive fast, clean and precisely, make some maneuvers which could slow the cop1 down, and you don't need to worry about chases taking too long.. Ofc if you have capable cops after you which you can not outrun easily, will make a long chase too. I've had for example a ~30 minute chase with absolutely no contact with suspect and cop, as I wasn't able to outrun them and they weren't able to catch up enough.

The length of the chase depends on so many factors you can't just make up new rules and restrictions to make it easier to escape..

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - fWANKy - 2016-03-26 22:56

I find it fun the more cops are chasing me, makes it a little more interesting. So no.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Frozen - 2016-03-26 23:09

If you need 89 minutes to escape a chase then you should notice that you are really doing something wrong.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - BP - 2016-03-27 08:54

(2016-03-26 23:09)Frozen Wrote:  If you need 89 minutes to escape a chase then you should notice that you are really doing something wrong.

That is simply incorrect.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Frozen - 2016-03-27 08:58

(2016-03-27 08:54)BP Wrote:  
(2016-03-26 23:09)Frozen Wrote:  If you need 89 minutes to escape a chase then you should notice that you are really doing something wrong.

That is simply incorrect.

Which part is incorrect? If by driving normal lanes you cant escape, you should try other ways. Only if you are smarter than the cops you will escape. If you are not fast enough other skills should be applied.

I do not see any reason to limit backups which is the whole point of the thread.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - BP - 2016-03-27 09:07

(2016-03-27 08:54)BP Wrote:  
(2016-03-26 23:09)Frozen Wrote:  If you need 89 minutes to escape a chase then you should notice that you are really doing something wrong.

That is simply incorrect.

Which part is incorrect? If by driving normal lanes you cant escape, you should try other ways. Only if you are smarter than the cops you will escape. If you are not fast enough other skills should be applied.

I do not see any reason to limit backups which is the whole point of the thread.

If you have 4 cops that are just as skilled as you, or are consistently around the same speed (or faster), then it's likely going to be a long chase especially if there seems to be an unlimited amount of backup (AD's concern). That doesn't mean anyone is or isn't doing anything wrong which is why I have difficulty comprehending the logic of your comment. Smile

I find long chases fun so that's fine for me. Either way, I don't support AD's suggestion.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Frozen - 2016-03-27 09:15


I agree but what I was trying to say is that if you cant escape them by speed (because the cops are as fast as you) usually there are other ways to get it done. But of course as you say, long chases are fun. And if we want a bit of realism then there is no point in limiting backups in a chase, IRL they can call as much backup as they require (if needed).

Anyways its a No from me too.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - Dracula - 2016-03-27 09:54

I'm with Frozen on this one.

RE: Limiting Maximum backups joining a pursuit - fWANKy - 2016-03-27 12:14

(2016-03-27 09:15)Frozen Wrote:  Well

I agree but what I was trying to say is that if you cant escape them by speed (because the cops are as fast as you) usually there are other ways to get it done. But of course as you say, long chases are fun. And if we want a bit of realism then there is no point in limiting backups in a chase, IRL they can call as much backup as they require (if needed).

Anyways its a No from me too.

Well you also have the TBO vs FZ5 chases which can last somewhat longer than any Fz5 vs FZ5 chase. (atleast for me). The smaller tracks such as SO and FE dont let the FZ use all its power as much, so TBO does stand more of a chance of losing a pursuit, but the chases can last really long.