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Removal of the updated speedtrap - Printable Version

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Removal of the updated speedtrap - Marty_Deslions - 2024-08-28 21:33

So since a month or what, the so called classic radar speedtrap had been enabled again, as can be read here.

[Image: 66cf956b4eda3-radarvan.png]

Now from what I'm getting, a police officer in a (usually) police van can park up, turn this radar speedtrap thing on, and everyone who speeds too much gets fined automaticly. No wanted level, no stars, no chase, no nothing, you only lose money immediately. As far as I know, back before this update cops could setup a speedtrap, and when someone would speed too much, he/she would get one or more wanted stars. Other cops could then give chase. But with this current system it's just mindlessly money collecting. Now where is the fun in that? Isn't it the name of the game to be a cops 'n robbers server? Isn't getting wanted and getting chased is part of what TC is about? Or is there something about this update that I don't understand? (if so, please do enlighten me)

So I'm suggesting to get the old speedtrap system back.

[Image: 66cf96dc0d882-radarclockedd.png]

And if speeding players are really a problem, like an actual server problem, then there are other solutions for this imo. For instance, lets say players automaticly lose way more money from their income more then just a few euro's like it is right now when ur going 30% over the limit.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Felipe Jardim - 2024-08-29 01:47

Im in favor for the return of wanted level only speed trapping, that automatically sends a trap speed to the cop chat. This made gameplay fun. I would often team up with another cop to perform a (as i would call it) "clock and block" operation. This brought a realistic level of team co-op gameplay aspect to the COP role where a cop would clock and a cop down road would initiate a chase. Many IRL police forces do this. I would also split any fines with the clocking COP as it was a mutual effort to fine the speeder. The entirety of the fine would stay in the game economy. This current old system just fines, and the money is *poof* gone, although i have a feeling this is chuck's way of deflating the economy (which i think is ridiculous btw)

I would also be in favor if the radar auto fines were reduced from their current values which seems to be in line with what a cop would be able to fine you if he clocked and chased you himself, to something less like 25% of the corresponding fine for the speed they were radar-ed at. Seems fair since there was no real effort involved in a gameplay perspective to fine the player a full amount a cop would get the hard way if he did it himself.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Ghutra - 2024-08-29 01:57

Too bad I can only vote once

Bring back lasertrap

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Val - 2024-08-29 03:23

I like it that way, but if the speedtrap is removed, there should be another money sink as it's very effective. Tongue

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Chuck - 2024-08-29 04:51

(2024-08-28 21:33)Marty_Deslions Wrote:  ... No wanted level, no stars, no chase, no nothing, you only lose money immediately. ...

How many cops would it take to be just as effective as one speed trap?
I would say 45 out of 47 connections.

Little edit:
The fact that speed traps are so effective is simply that people don't care at all. Hence why I think they is no problem at all. If people don't want to get fined, they can either generally adapt a safer driving style or pay attention to where the speed traps are. I mean they don't just fall out of the sky, there are usually signs, like a parked police van or other people getting fined so they could be warned about an active trap, and at least slow down punctually. But they just don't care, they go flat out everywhere and everything hindering them doing so must be wrong and must be removed.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - BP - 2024-08-29 05:33

Quote:The fact that speed traps are so effective is simply that people don't care at all

They're effective inasmuch as they're fining pretty much everyone, but wonder if it has had the desired effect? As in, has it slowed people down? I believe that's the sole reason you wanted to reintroduce the older style speedtraps.

I think you made a good decision when you decided to change to the auto-laser speedtraps almost 6 years ago. As mentioned in this thread, cops could work together to help bring down the bad guys. I believe gameplay cooperation is something you believe(d) in, and that is a good example.

As well as the cooperation part disappearing, cops also have less to do if numerous speedtraps are auto-fining offenders.

Some suggestions:
  • Have auto-laser speedtraps AND auto-fine speedtraps. The latter could be reserved for certain individuals (eg trainers, admins, or a special role) for when they think the server could benefit from it, eg everyone driving nuts. Though I'm not sure if this would ever be effective since you've already acknowledged that people don't care.
  • Have increased speeding fines for lasers/auto-lasers. This means the frequency of fines would be less, but offenders (if caught) would be paying more for their speeding.


RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Chuck - 2024-08-29 05:42

(2024-08-29 05:33)BP Wrote:  ..Have auto-laser speedtraps AND auto-fine speedtraps. ..

I literally just wanted to add this. Yes, both options could be made available simultaneously, so cops could choose.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - BP - 2024-08-29 06:14

Also, another idea would be a delayed fine:
  • Speeding vehicle gets lasered. Chat prints the normal message but instead says "pending fine".
  • Cops have an opportunity window of maybe 1 minute to chase the user. The idea would be to obtain either the original fine or the fail to stop fine
  • If not chased, the vehicle is automatically fined by the system after the 1 minute window. Disconnecting from the server would result in the auto-fine.
  • Getting chased and "escaping" would mean they do not have to pay anything.

This may be a little complicated / confusing, but thought I'd mention it.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Carl - 2024-08-29 06:40

I must ask the question. Is it the speed trap that is the problem or that players are not being savvy enough when it comes to spotting them? I get the impression that everyone is blasting past the traps excessively beyond the limit (every single lap) then shouting out to remove the traps from the server.

But I guess if enough of the community really dislike them, something will change. I’ve played both COP and suspect though and i haven’t notice any damaging change to either experience.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Speed Demon - 2024-08-29 07:02

Please just bring that thing back. This looks like it's going to end up the same as med-res-tow.

I once argued that med res tow should be supported in some areas, and now these roles are in a state of disrepair, no one is using them (and the person who used them is no longer effective) and the police role is likely to fall victim to a simple automated system. The [COP] role is the cornerstone of this server. If you don't take care of it, if you don't act in the right way, the police role is going to end.

Apart from the real problems, as usual, you like to deal with other things that nobody asks or wants. I gave you better advice to do it.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Frozen - 2024-08-29 07:57

(2024-08-29 07:02)Speed Demon Wrote:  Please just bring that thing back. This looks like it's going to end up the same as med-res-tow.

Thanks for your feedback. I do not want to derail this thread, but if you are genuinely that displeased on how the current med-res-tow system/roles are used please make a thread on what could be improved.

What do people think of having both systems available so the COP is able to choose?

Lets say we have two commands:

- One command enables the speedtrap with automatic fines
- One command enables the speedtrap for evidence-only purposes. It does not fine users, users need to be chased to be fined (the old known system).

This way we allow users to decide how the roleplay is done and how any of the two systems is used throughout the day.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Speed Demon - 2024-08-29 08:53

(2024-08-29 07:57)Frozen Wrote:  
(2024-08-29 07:02)Speed Demon Wrote:  Please just bring that thing back. This looks like it's going to end up the same as med-res-tow.

Thanks for your feedback. I do not want to derail this thread, but if you are genuinely that displeased on how the current med-res-tow system/roles are used please make a thread on what could be improved.

Why should I try to make the same effort again when things that we said should or should not be done at the time are not done?
Some things need to be recognised and acted upon before they are said, and this was one of them at the time. I will not make a new post. Instead, you can look back at what I have written. (Frozen, you don't need to look. All these things I have written belong to one person and that person knows what he has done in his time)
Since you cannot change the system, I would like to point out that you are not helping us by writing this.

Some ‘updates’ have been made without ever consulting the players. We could have always been asked. For example, our opinions could have been taken under a weekly or monthly post. But unfortunately this has never been done.

Other people have already shared their suggestions above. I don't need to write anything extra. My wish is that our opinions are taken before some things are done. Not after it is done.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Ali - 2024-08-29 08:58

I don't know if everyone thinks like me. Speed traps are usually located on the route of speeding players. People get high fines for this. And they keep their speed below the limit (like me) until it is over.
I think that driving below the limit reduces the chance of an accident, but I also think that speeding players lose an unfairly high amount of money. If I wanted to drive fast, I'd rather have the cops chasing me and pay the fine if I get caught than be fined easily.
I have to say that the cop get very little income from the current system.
If a police officer did it under the old system, he would get more income from chases.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Jacob - 2024-08-29 09:00

It is a classic speedtrap that used to be years back. There is no money collecting because those money don't travel to the cop who speedtraps. Ppl know it is a pain for others who don't respect speed limits sonthey use it alot. Let's make a limit for speedtraps like there can be only ONE speedtrap active (if it already is not implemented..idk) andaybe shorten the life of the battery for speedtrap (max 5 mins...or).

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - bowler - 2024-08-29 09:07

i would vote for both as been said before its upto there own person who can clearly see a speedtrap to go past it at speed (dont moan) we should have auto fine and laser just incase there is not enough cops on the server and as far as i can see a lot of cops come on the server now and sit and chat do no active work.so i think both as a better option and maybe some initiative for cops to strive to do better like actual cops and robbers.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Marty_Deslions - 2024-08-29 10:03


I guess having both commands could also work yes. Tho I'd rather see only the old not-auto-fined kind of speed trap, I would be okay with having both options.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Chuck - 2024-08-29 10:09

The problem here in this discussion is once again that people hiding their actual motives. They ask for this and that but that's all just distractions. What they really want is speed around without any drawbacks or hindrances. And that's a pretty weak standpoint for a discussion. That's at least what I read here between the lines.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Dale - 2024-08-29 12:14

back in my day we used the radar warner to know where a speed trap was, and slowed down

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - Vilix - 2024-08-29 12:56

(2024-08-29 10:09)Chuck Wrote:  The problem here in this discussion is once again that people hiding their actual motives. They ask for this and that but that's all just distractions. What they really want is speed around without any drawbacks or hindrances. And that's a pretty weak standpoint for a discussion. That's at least what I read here between the lines.

From what I've seen I think the complaints (partially) stem from the lack of engagement due to automation. As [RDSR] Ali has pointed it out, speeding can be thrilling because there's a chance that you get into a police chase if someone speedtraps you or lasers you. Having a radar that automatically deducts money from your account, presents a decrease in role-playing and "cops and robbers" gameplay opportunities, which is obviously much less fun and engaging. I don't think everyone wants to full-speed around at all times, but instead they want the risk and thrill of a police chase.

RE: Removal of the updated speedtrap - SIMOX - 2024-08-29 13:55

I think bring back old speeding fines for going above speeding limit if you really want to deflate economy or something and stop people mindlessly speeding. Double the old fines because why not.
While you are at it, bring back safety rating so everyone drive safer.