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World's View of President Obama - Printable Version

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RE: World's View of President Obama - ZsoLT - 2012-09-26 19:39

(2012-09-26 19:24)KaraK Wrote:  That's how socialism works, taking care of eachother. Instead of rewarding the rich with more money and taking away the money of the poor, Obama tries to even out the difference between the rich and the poor. Which is a huge task, but as it is right now, the gap is just way too big.

In theory. In my country there was socialism for 40 years (thanks Russia...) and no, socialism isn't these good sounds things what do You think in Western Europe...

RE: World's View of President Obama - Malibu - 2012-09-26 20:10

He has a good personality, don't really agree with everything he does. But honestly, anyhing is better than those republicans in the USA.

RE: World's View of President Obama - Audiojack - 2012-09-26 20:12

(2012-09-26 19:12)Blade3562 Wrote:  I dislike Obama is that his approach to government is socialism taxing the rich and giving to the lazy bums that don't work

That's how our country became known as a "welfare state". I have nothing against it at all. Laugh

RE: World's View of President Obama - Hexta - 2012-09-26 20:14

The majority of the TC community reside in the UK mainly, with the rest being from Europe and a few from USA, middle east, Australia etc..

RE: World's View of President Obama - Sinoco - 2012-09-26 20:23

Lazy bums who don't work? Excuse me. I take so much offense to that it's not even funny. My mother works minimum 8 hours a day, 8-4/5 usually, she's a single mother. She makes $28,000 a year, and if you think that's enough to survive off of with 3 children, you're quite mistaken. The only government assistance we get is subsidized housing. If you think without that we wouldn't be on the streets you are wrong. Tell me that my mom is a lazy bum and that we don't need help.

Oh, and BTW-Obama kept Bush's tax cuts, so he has not lowered taxes, and he has not implemented any programs that are near socialism, so please tell me how much of a socialist he is. Even Romney admits Obama didn't raise taxes -> http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/09/romney-obama-did-not-raise-taxes/

RE: World's View of President Obama - Adampower - 2012-09-26 20:39

(2012-09-26 14:30)Blade3562 Wrote:  I just honestly don't know how he is truely perceived around the world. From what I understand I'm amazed we haven't been bombed or attacked yet lol.

Crazy muslims, they are jokes.. If anyones muslim on here no disrespect to your religion i dont mean to offend but seeing what ive seen on the news over a little cartoon is just unbelievable and cannot be justified whatsoever.

For me, Obama seems like a nice genuine guy and better than bush's bullshit. He got Bin laden, seems to have control and we dont really hear of any of the bad policies although he should be shooting bankers and i know youve lost your AAA rating.

Whats he done badly? For eg Cameron/Clegg,, Clegg let tutition fees get raised to £9000 a year for university and ive been hit by them, Cameron hasnt really done anything THAT bad imo, like hes done what has needed to be done. I know others have their own stories/views, in relation to other policies such as businesses, taxes, housing etc but im not too aware of.

Also $28,000 canadian dollars, is really like £15000 and must be hard for 3 children, big respect to your mum sin.