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+ Report - Multiple users (Report Archived by Pipa) - Printable Version

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+ Report - Multiple users (Report Archived by Pipa) - Warped - 2014-03-17 11:36

● Your LFS Username: entyzor

● Their LFS Username(s): Salss | Extremus | InsiDe
● Their LFS GameName(s): Salss | CG™»Sorin | AndriusB.

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: Replay
● Replay Timestamps:

31:10 - Salss and CG™»Sorin showed disregard of the sirens, didn't slow down and overtook the chase.

35:12 - AndriusB drifts around the roundabout.

40:42 - Andrius disrespects the sirens and overtakes it dangerously.

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)
Disrespect of the sirens, drifting around the roundabout.

Report - Multiple users - Pipa - 2014-03-18 16:39

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Salss could have clearly slowed down, but even after he saw the chase in the road he kept on drifting. Also never apologised for slightly hitting you, which would be the first thing he should have done in that situation.

Salss will receive a ban

Extremus will receive a confirmable ingame warning

InsiDe will receive a ban

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.