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Basic Training - TigR - Printable Version

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Basic Training - TigR - TigR - 2014-03-20 21:08

LFS Username: tigrgame
Nickname: SO•TigR
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No): no
Notes (e.g times free/language): i got time this saturday and sunday. then i will be gone for 5 weeks exept weekends in the first 3 weeks. and ofc i speak english Wink

RE: Basic Training - TigR - Luke - 2014-03-20 21:55

Hey TigR,

It is nice that you have applied for basic training however, you do realise you have already passed basic training (2013-06-02)?


If you wish to retake training to refresh your performance that is fine. If you wish to continue training (Recommended) feel free to apply for advanced training:


I can close this application if you wish.

Please get back to me, Thanks!

~ Luke

[TC] Senior Trainer

RE: Basic Training - TigR - TigR - 2014-03-20 22:10

heyo Smile i know i have passed basic training, and i have applied for advanced training. tho, i applied before x-mas.. so i'm just tiered of waiting i guess, so i taught why not take basic again Smile

Basic Training - TigR - Connor - 2014-03-20 22:17

Your written exam code has been sent to your training forum inbox! »Click me«
Please enter the code »here«.
Ensure you have no gaps before or after the code when entering the code.

The [TC] Training Team

RE: Basic Training - TigR - Luke - 2014-03-20 22:39

That you have. We are actually doing more advanced trainings now. Recently we have been doing them on the weekends and now we have a sufficient amount of trainers we are able to organise more.

We expect to have another advanced training soon. I shall let Connor take over your application with the exam details and training information Smile

RE: Basic Training - TigR - TigR - 2014-03-20 22:42

alright Smile yeah i got invitet to one some weeks ago but couldent make it. haevent heard from you after that. but just tell me when you have a session!

RE: Basic Training - TigR - Connor - 2014-03-22 06:57

Hi TigR,

Have you tried the written exam link again? Is it still not working?

If it is then do your written exam ASAP, if it's not then could you consult Saphira or Paul?



Basic Training - TigR - Connor - 2014-03-22 12:47

You have failed to complete the Written Exam within 2 days, please complete the exam using the code messaged to you as soon as possible.

The [TC] Training Team

I will send you another exam code, please use this one and not the old one I sent you.

RE: Basic Training - TigR - TigR - 2014-03-22 17:28

passed. 12/13

RE: Basic Training - TigR - TigR - 2014-03-22 17:51

btw: i would love to do it tonight if anyone got time. i will be gone for 5 weeks from tomorrow so..

Basic Training - TigR - Connor - 2014-03-22 17:51

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
You have Passed the written exam with 12/13

The [TC] Training Team

Please carefully read the »Police Guide«

Confirm below that you have read and understand it

RE: Basic Training - TigR - TigR - 2014-03-22 17:58

i know them from before is that alright? read it alot of times,

Basic Training - TigR - Connor - 2014-03-22 19:21

You are now ready for Basic Training, Please contact any of the trainers: You have 21 days from now to complete the training, otherwise this application will be closed. »List of Trainers«

The [TC] Training Team

Basic Training - TigR - Saphira - 2014-03-23 17:11

Training Unfinished

Date: 23rd March 2014

Lead Trainer: Luke [T]

Continue from: Will have to restart the WHOLE training process again.

Notes: TigR had problems with his wheel and was unable to continue with the Training also TigR is now on a 5 week vacation and the Training process will have changed by the time he is able to be trained again.

The [TC] Training Team

Administrator Message by: saphira

This thread will now be archived and user will have to re-apply again.