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- Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) (Archived by Pete) - Printable Version

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- Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) (Archived by Pete) - Frozen - 2014-06-02 13:53

● Your LFS Username: Chriship

● Their LFS Username(s): Franky.S
● Their LFS GameName(s): SO Fwank

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!fEMTwIoA!jyaDNsGsFEqRKRZTFyYd8g2d4NsLb-gP9zAWcxNmj-Y
● Replay Timestamps:

5.45: User makes an U-Turn , provoking me to go wrong way. No problems.

8.02: An U-Turn wasn't enough, he just does it again, being dangerously, claiming I was wrongsiding, when he was just provoking a reason to make a report.

8.35: Another U-Turn

12.36: As you can see, he try's again.

14.10: Again.

17.15: Again, I ended the chase, got enough with those people just trying to provoke a reason to make a report.

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time):

Since the start of the chase, the reported user has been trying to find out a reason to make a report. He's pretty annoying, therefore, my report.

I remember a user some time ago who was doing the same, reporting cops in this way. That's the reason of my report , he's just being annoying and provoking.


RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - fWANKy - 2014-06-02 14:00

How is doing u-turns provoking you? I was just pointing out the facts as the chase going, not trying to get you "provoked". If you get a chance, you should watch some of the good cops and how they handle an autobahn chase.

So, you report me for U turning? lol

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - Frozen - 2014-06-02 14:01

(2014-06-02 14:00)Fwanky Wrote:  How is doing u-turns provoking you? I was just pointing out the facts as the chase going, not trying to get you "provoked". If you get a chance, you should watch some of the good cops and how they handle an autobahn chase.

So, you report me for U turning? lol

I report you for the annoying and inmature attitude you're always having in the servers. Always searching a good point to make a report. What are you pretending with this?

[Image: 0c73eea6aceb66e9784ece3778d8d165.png]

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - fWANKy - 2014-06-02 14:04

so cute.

And how am I always searching a point to report? I hardly ever make reports, I don't like reports. I just don't like cops that can't stick to the server rules.

If you actually check that link you posted, everyone got a warning for exactly what you did in the replay, and Lcee only got one for wrong siding himself, which I didn't do.

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - Frozen - 2014-06-02 14:10

You werent wrongsiding? If going into the wrong lane and making an u-turn is not wrongsiding, then I might be crazy.

Are you serious?

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - fWANKy - 2014-06-02 14:12

And now I got DDoS'd , how convenient, and you call me immature? hahahahaha

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - Frozen - 2014-06-02 14:16

And does that have anything to do with me? I don't have any interest in losing my time with people like you. Of course it's convenient, it's as easy as turn the wifi offline or the ethernet cable saying you've got ddos'ed?

I'm the inmature one here? You better get informed about what it is, and start judging people when you have the enough proofs for it. It's very easy to shout, but show the proofs needed for it.

Nothing to add into this report, will wait till an [TC] Administrator deals with it, however, your attitude has no solution.

Have a nice day.

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - fWANKy - 2014-06-02 14:17

Because cutting my internet for all of, 10seconds is really going to affect my life, infact I take it as a compliment the effort you must go through just to pull off something like this for 10seconds of me not having internet.

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - BP - 2014-06-02 14:18

Locked until an admin looks at this report.

Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - Pete - 2014-06-02 15:21

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report SO Fwank ( franky.s ) - Pete - 2014-06-02 16:08

On the whole, Frank's u-turns were fine, except the first one he did going into the roundabout. He travelled on the wrongside for a short distance before finally rotating the car. The reason I don't have a problem with this is because there is a barrier on the other side of the road where the lanes are merged as these images demonstrate.

[Image: frank-frozen-1.jpg]

[Image: frank-frozen-2.jpg]

[Image: frank-frozen-3.jpg]

Frozen on the other hand wrongsided on most occasions to maintain contact with Frank. At this moment in time, that is against the rules.

In this situation, the wrongsiding that took place by Frozen and Frank caused no danger to other road users and nor was it very severe, thus, no action will be taken to either party.

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.