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[P] Basic Training - Hunter1162 - Printable Version

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[P] Basic Training - Hunter1162 - Prophet - 2014-08-03 16:51

LFS Username: Hunter1162
Nickname: [RDSR] Prophet
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No): No
Notes (e.g times free/language): Lot of free time, hungarian and english.

Basic Training - Hunter1162 - Connor - 2014-08-03 16:53

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
Congratulations! You have Passed the written [COP] Exam

The [TC] Training Team

Please carefully read the »Police Guide«

Confirm below that you have read and understand it

RE: Basic Training - Hunter1162 - Prophet - 2014-08-03 16:54

I confirm that I have read and understood the police guide.

Basic Training - Hunter1162 - Connor - 2014-08-03 16:54

You are now ready for Basic Training, Please contact any of the trainers: You have 21 days from now to complete the training, otherwise this application will be closed. »List of Trainers«

The [TC] Training Team

Basic Training - Hunter1162 - Connor - 2014-08-05 21:16

Training Information:

Took place on: 5/8/14

Trainer(s) Present: Connor [T], Howlin [T], Ace [T], KaraK [T]

Assistance Present: Edwin [CA]

Lead Trainer: Connor [T]

Good Points:

Your general manoeuvres were good, the PITs you performed were good and were well-calculated. Your car control was quite good, you have improved a lot in that area.

You eventually picked up how to block the gap and successfully busted the suspect with it. Your communication and awareness of the other COPs was much improved. You knew where the suspect was most of the time and this allowed to put in the correct manoeuvres at the correct times.


Just try to keep up with your suspect, a lot of the time you were a bit far behind him and weren't able to put in enough manoeuvres. Work on throttle control and brake control and take a better line into corners.

Other than that, it was generally quite successful.

Authorized by KaraK.

Notes: Feel free to apply for Advanced Training!

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
Congratulations, you have passed Basic Training.

The [TC] Training Team