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[F] Basic training - Zagrajmer404 - Printable Version

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[F] Basic training - Zagrajmer404 - Zagrajmer404 - 2014-08-16 17:11

LFS Username: Zagrajmer404
Nickname: Igor666
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No): I think no...after i failed training before i didn't come on server as [COP]
Notes (e.g times free/language): Free time Sunday and next weekend cause im buying new PC so if some of trainers will be on server ill give 'em a sign Wink Language: of course not perfect but somehow we have to understand each other Biggrin

Basic training - Zagrajmer404 - Howlin - 2014-08-16 17:13

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
Congratulations! You have Passed the written [COP] Exam

The [TC] Training Team

Please carefully read the »Police Guide«

Confirm below that you have read and understand it

RE: Basic training - Zagrajmer404 - Zagrajmer404 - 2014-08-16 18:21

I confirm that i read and understood guide and rules.

Basic training - Zagrajmer404 - Howlin - 2014-08-16 18:31

You are now ready for Basic Training, Please contact any of the trainers: You have 21 days from now to complete the training, otherwise this application will be closed. »List of Trainers«

The [TC] Training Team

Basic training - Zagrajmer404 - Connor - 2014-08-21 09:33

Training Information:

Took place on: 20/8/14

Trainer(s) Present: Connor [T], Howlin [T], Daniel [AS]

Assistance Present: UC [CA], Louis [CA]

Lead Trainer: Connor [T]

Good Points:

You seemed very capable of keeping up with the suspect for the majority of the chase, but this was mostly in the start where Daniel was not at full speed. You were very stable in most of the corners for the first part of the chase.

There were some manoeuvres performed well but we needed to see more.


You took some poor lines into corners which caused you to burn your tyres while coming out of the corner. Try to take a wider line into corners so you can accelerate out of them a lot quicker, this will also preserve your tyres for longer chases and allow you to keep up with your suspect out of corners. To obtain this technique, possibly gain some racing experience instead of solely going on cruise servers, it definitely helped me when I first started copping. This was especially visible in tight corners where you managed to flip your car on Snake Pass, you need to be more aware of your surroundings and obstacles on the track. This also means looking out for loose tyres on the track that can cause you to spin out, this lost you a lot of ground on the suspect.

You struggled to find the best manoeuvre to perform in the specific situation, you need to act fast at that speed and do not hesitate, you were too hesitant and cautious in your movements, be more aggressive but not to the extent that it is a full on ram.

You were generally in range with the suspect for the majority of the chase, but that's not we're looking for. You need to be on the forefront and performing the manoeuvres to the best of your ability. Daniel was going around 75% pace at the start of the chase which should have allowed you to perform a sufficient amount of manoeuvres but still you struggled to properly keep up. When Daniel upped the pace, you dropped far back and started to burn your tyres more, you started to panic which would lose you the chase on the servers. You will need more experience with quicker drivers to pass.

Authorized by Saphira.

Notes: Please make sure to get at least 1 month practice time before you re-apply for Basic training. This should allow you gain more experience to pass next time.

[Image: trainingfail3.png]
Sorry, you have failed Basic Training. Please feel free to apply again.
You must wait a minimum of 7 days before reapplying.

The [TC] Training Team