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[P] Basic Training - Baumetz - Printable Version

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[P] Basic Training - Baumetz - Eruaran - 2014-09-13 15:44

Username: Baumetz
Nickname: Eruaran
Cop rights revoked? No
Free time: On Saturdays. Possibly today? I have time right now.

Cop training - Polete - 2014-09-13 15:47

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
Congratulations! You have Passed the written [COP] Exam

The [TC] Training Team

Please carefully read the »Police Guide«

Confirm below that you have read and understand it

RE: Cop training - Eruaran - 2014-09-13 15:48

I have read and understand.

Cop training - Polete - 2014-09-13 15:49

You are now ready for Basic Training, Please contact any of the trainers: You have 21 days from now to complete the training, otherwise this application will be closed. »List of Trainers«

The [TC] Training Team

Basic Training - Baumetz - Polete - 2014-09-13 18:13

Training Information:

Took place on: 13.09.2014

Trainer(s) Present: Polete [T], Luke [T]

Assistance Present: Barney [CA], Olli [CA]

Lead Trainer: Polete [T]

Good Points: Good car control, used all the maneuvers practiced previously. Good pits. Good blocks and did pretty good on the bust with a 2 Car box maneuver.

Improvements: Did some hard pits on the door of the suspect, make sure you apologise when you perform a bad pit. Also you need to be more confident, and try to have some more faith in yourself. Be aware of suspects turns, he can always trick you.

Feel free to apply for Advanced Training
Authorized by Luke

[P] Basic Training - Baumetz - Polete - 2014-09-13 18:35

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
Congratulations, you have passed Basic Training.

The [TC] Training Team