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Help reduce UK insurance prices - Printable Version

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Help reduce UK insurance prices - RS1T - 2012-01-12 10:33

Hey guys,

All you UK drivers will know how expensive our insurance is, and this is in part due to fraudulent whiplash claims.

It occurred to me that the only way to actually get something done about this is to start a petition, which if is signed by 100,000 people will be discussed in Parliament. There are already some MPs who are supporters of banning whiplash claims, and having 100,000 signatures supporting their cause can only be a good thing. For the good of all of us motorists, please help the cause by signing my petition here:


It proposes the banning of whiplash claims for sub 10mph collisions (where whiplash is extremely unlikely to occur) and will ensure that doctors must investigate more thoroughly whether a person does actually have whiplash beyond any doubt for any collision before they can make a claim. If this gets passed this could help bring the end to the ridiculous insurance prices and this fraudulent, dishonest and unfair practice that has ingrained itself in our society.

Please share this to all of your friends and other motoring websites that you read,

Cheers guys

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - Luke. - 2012-01-12 10:52

Voted Smile

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - Mongoose - 2012-01-12 13:01

Done. Good idea and what not but how do determin speed of impact? Thats going to be down to the two drivers and any witnesses. VERY Hard to determin speed.

I work for a law firm and I did psychology and we showed 4 sets of people a video of various things(one thing was a car accident) and we then asked questions. the only questions we were interested in though was the speed of the car accident.

for each question we used a slightly different word to describe the accident. "Bumped" "Smashed" "Crashed" and "dinged" or something to those effects.

Can you guess the higher average speeds from the lower average speeds. Crashed and Smashed(smashed was first) caused much higher average guesstimates of speed.

Gone off on one but it was quiet interesting Smile

Hope the petition works because insurance is a joke .

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - James - 2012-01-12 13:14

Insurance definately is a joke but crashes arent. Yeah there are instances that this can happen but the country should crack down heavily on insurance claims that are a load of poo wrapped up just because some job dodger needs a quick couple of quid.

I agree that there should be better/tighter checks on insurance claims.

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - DopeyD - 2012-01-12 13:32

Have emailed this round the folk at work too. I pay near £900 for insurance on the wrx, and im an old git, 6 years no claims etc. Not 3 years ago I was paying £450 fully comp, all mods declared on a group 20 nissan 300zx TT!

Insurance is an absolute joke now.

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - Vee - 2012-01-12 13:45

I had a friend who was reversing off his driveway, on either side of it on the street were rows of parked cars, so minimal vision. A car bumped into him at about 15mph, they took each others details, he took pictures of their car and his. 3 hours later, he looks out his window, fire engines, police, ambulances. The car that hit him had come back and parked up, all 3 occupants claiming they had back injuries and were subsequently cut out of the car after the roof was chopped off Smile

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - ChrisM - 2012-01-12 13:46

You make a fair point, i myself know people who do this, while i work my balls off for a living. Just is not right.

On another note, in the petition, where you have typed..
".....collisions (>10mph) be made illegal"
I'm pretty sure that says "greather than" and not "less than" Wink

But yes, totally agree. Smile

From wikipedia..
"The less-than sign (<) is an original ASCII character (hex 3C, decimal 60)."

RE: Help reduce UK insurance prices - Brad - 2012-01-12 21:19

There is no accurate way of determining the speed of an accident, and so making claims under 10mph 'illegal' wouldn't work.

The only way this could be implemented is in all cars have a black box fitted. If this was the case, insurance costs would plummet for many anyway.

I think a general discussion on the insurance industry as a whole is needed by MP's. The price we are charged for insurance is definitely not reflected in the actual service we get.