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Barrier Speedtrap - Printable Version

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Barrier Speedtrap - Russ - 2015-01-17 12:21

[CSR] Toni was running a speedtrap from behind the track barrier. Is it possible to add something to the rules regarding this, whether its allowed or not as there is much confusion over it.

My view is that;

The rules state; "Cops are expected to behave and act like cops." A real COP would not be positioned behind a barrier. If I'm honest I think its a bit underhand. We aren't allowed to take the chase over the barrier so why is a speedtrap allowed through the barrier?

Any views on this?

[edit: typo...oops!]

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Spark - 2015-01-17 12:31

+1 to your suggestion and +1 to your statement!

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Olli - 2015-01-17 12:36

I agree with you.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Barney - 2015-01-17 12:36

well speedtraps are often behind barriers, BUT my mainconcern is that cops in reallife wouldnt drive offroad tracks to set up a trap. and offroad meaning in lfs out if bounds.
driving over a ramp, over a solid wall, on grass/small hills is not proper cop behaviour.

cops shouldnt be allowed to go oob at all!

€: so just to make clear, NO changes needed, it IS already in the rules!
and noone is butthurt howlon!

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Toni - 2015-01-17 12:40

(2015-01-17 12:36)Barney Wrote:  cops shouldnt be allowed to go oob at all!

So, if i crash into a barrier in chase, and fly oob, i will receive a warning for going oob right?


Or have suspects crying for me to pit/spectate immediatly

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Barney - 2015-01-17 12:41

i wont even comment on that
€: srsly... u tryin to be funny or what is that question?
have u ever seen a suspect getting a warning after beeing pitted/crashed oob?

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Luke - 2015-01-17 12:46

Naa, just butt hurt B Tongue

I see where you are getting at however, it maybe OOB but, I see cops in the UK hiding in vans on the opposite road even behind trees (Speed cameras are hidden behind the trees on the Woodhead pass between Sheffield and Manchester). They are sneaky over here, not always but they do still do it. Meaning the rule "Cops are expected to behave and act like cops" doesn't really apply strongly enough.

As long as there's a camera sign near the cameras in the UK, cameras or mobile vans can be placed ANYWHERE.

I do actually agree though, I don't really like the idea of hiding behind the barrier OOB without warning, but if you have a radar that you can buy on TC then it tells you where it is so at the moment I think it is completely legit.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Toni - 2015-01-17 12:56

Oh, and people have the ablility to buy the radar warners, and its their fault for driving into the speedtrap while speeding....

I have seen a Finnish police patrol do a speedtrap where their car is parked to the side of the road and the cops were hiding in a bush. And no, im not lying to you.

It may be exploiting the "bugs" of the game to hide your car, but it doesnt change the speedtraps working at all, its still a speedtrap, and it fines for driving over the speedlimit.

I agree, it might be "stupid" or "not cool" to do a speedtrap while OOB, but if theres no rule regarding not to do a speedtrap in OOB, then its allowed to do.

I think Chuck could do locations for OOB Areas so it just says OOB on the location bar and there is no speedlimits, but i doubt Chuck wants to use his time to do something thats useless..

And to barney:
I have seen Cops crying for them to pit/spectate immediatly, alongside telling them that they report them if they dont pit/spectate...

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - BMW-gek - 2015-01-17 13:11

Spot the radar

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Barney - 2015-01-17 13:12

omg u cant even compare those situations... a suspect goes oob to loose the cop, and he most likely will cuz the locations dont work there... thats why its explicit in the rules for a good reason.
of course u as a cop can drive oob in a chase, loose it and most likely will not get reported.
whatever, back to topic: still reallife cops wont drop down a 1.5m wall with their car to set up a trap. therefore not allowed.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Russ - 2015-01-17 13:13

Toni no one is disputing that we shouldn't be speeding its about right and wrong. Should we be allowed behind barriers with a speedtrap or not. I was speeding, I got fined - that's whats meant to happen but its the way it was done that I have a problem with.

I drove past the speedtrap and got caught. What I immediately noticed was that I hadn't seen a COP (as I'd usually slow down!) It was only when I pulled over to see where I'd been caught I noticed you behind the barrier.

I certainly don't want to turn this thread into some kind of war of words between Toni and Barney, its a debate lets keep it friendly.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Pipa - 2015-01-17 13:42

(2015-01-17 13:12)Barney Wrote:  still reallife cops wont drop down a 1.5m wall with their car to set up a trap. therefore not allowed.

Well mainly because they can exit their car and go there on foot Wink.

On a few good motorbiking routes the cops use a small mobile speed measuring devices and position themselves behind trees and in the vegetation to be better disguised. So i would say it is at least not unrealistic.

I personally don't mind it much, the radar warning does a good job for me.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Stephen - 2015-01-17 15:09

Cops hide off the road all the time here to catch people out, the reflective decals on the cars always give them away though. They try to hide behind all sorts of things, barriers, trees, walls etc.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Russ - 2015-01-17 15:48

Maybe its worth mentioning then that Toni was under a bridge behind the barrier so it was very dark, I was also driving with wheel view which probably didn't help. Couldn't see him at all apart from the arrow on the map which is why I pulled over and clicked it to be taken to where he was.

It just needs clarifying really.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - KaraK - 2015-01-17 15:58

Isn't hiding your car from oncoming traffic one of the goals you're trying to achieve when speedtrapping?
Honestly don't see a problem besides the cop having to go OOB to get there.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Russ - 2015-01-17 16:15

Karak that's the reason behind this thread. Is it allowed or not? I understand the reasoning behind it but are we allowed to do it. There was a lot of confusion in game and quite a few people were caught out by it, and like on here, there were mixed opinions.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - Connor - 2015-01-17 17:01

Well people get annoyed because they didn't see the speedtrap. I don't see how it shouldn't be allowed, it's a perfectly good way of fining people, and stopping people from speeding. Requires a little intelligence too if you know what you're doing.

That's other people's problem if they didn't see the speedtrap, it means it's working and it's a good hiding spot. Nothing wrong there.

RE: Barrier Speedtrap - KaraK - 2015-01-17 17:37

(2015-01-17 17:01)Connor Wrote:  Well people get annoyed because they didn't see the speedtrap. I don't see how it shouldn't be allowed, it's a perfectly good way of fining people, and stopping people from speeding. Requires a little intelligence too if you know what you're doing.

That's other people's problem if they didn't see the speedtrap, it means it's working and it's a good hiding spot. Nothing wrong there.

Problem being though that, as a cop, you're not supposed to go OOB.