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+ Report - DRIFTER9090 (Report Archived by Nathan) - Printable Version

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+ Report - DRIFTER9090 (Report Archived by Nathan) - Otava - 2015-08-17 13:44

Your LFS username: onniotava

Their LFS username(s): DRIFTER9090
Their in-game nickname(s): DRIFTER9090

Main reason(s): Ramming, insulting, following a chase, interfering a chase.

Replay and/or screenshot link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zubfybecn6lrkl/Report%20DRIFTER.mpr?dl=0
Replay timestamps:11:50 Started chasing him

Description of incident (inc date & time): UTC 12:00- ago. Please watch whole replay in speedfoward from the point I tell you. Its a horrible mess there

11:50 Started chasing him
12:20 unfortunately I braked too late and crashed to him. I actually gave him all the money back even though he failed to stop.
13:05 He does a U Turn and crashes to pc025, I chased and fined him 150€ for causing an accident
29:05 rams KooKoo [COP] while in chase with him
37:40 From now on watch the replay please, he is following me And crashed to me and Liam and says just wtf
38:25 Even though this was my fault, he did not slow down for sirens at all
39:05 Crashing to Liam
40:20 "nicely" moving for my chase
40:45 Crashing to me in my lane
40:55 seems to be aiming at me and rams me
43:00 Following me and my suspect, crashes to my suspect and blocks me
43:45 Crashing to me, doesnt slow down for chase and says :
wrong way driving crashing into me again
come look

47:50- Having a chat:
Regards Otava

Report - DRIFTER9090 - Nathan - 2015-08-17 17:16

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

The user will receive a ban for his consistent ramming, following chases, horrendous attitude and most importantly his language toward other players which is totally unacceptable.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.