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Returning to the game but autobanned on connection (Unban Request Granted by Bez) - Printable Version

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Returning to the game but autobanned on connection (Unban Request Granted by Bez) - xray7224 - 2015-09-22 10:59

● Your LFS Username: xray7224
● Time & Date of Incident: 2015-09-22 10:25:45
● Replay / Screenshot Link: N/A
● Replay Timestamps: N/A
● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
I use to play on TC a lot a number of years ago (probably somewhere between 2009 - 2011) however I took a long break from LFS. I am thinking of returning however when I try to join the sever i get an auto 12 hour ban for "Potential account fraud". I have googled around a little and it seems your insim checks the country people logged in from, earlier this year I moved from the UK to Sweden, so I'm suspecting that is the issue.

RE: Returning to the game but autobanned on connection - Bez - 2015-09-22 14:29

Hello Xray,

You are correct, our insim checks country changes to avoid accounts being stolen. Your story matches with our records so I will go ahead and unban your account and unlock your country.

A lot of rules may have changed since you last played way back in 2009 so please make yourself familiar with our rules as well. They can be found here: tc-g.uk/rules

Many thanks,
TC Team.

Unban Request Granted.

You will be unbanned shortly.