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+ Reporting - [KBD]Thomas. and rawD"Erga (Report Archived by Stunna) - Printable Version

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+ Reporting - [KBD]Thomas. and rawD"Erga (Report Archived by Stunna) - Teebaron - 2012-02-20 14:43

Note: There are two players. You can see both in the same replay but i will make for each of them a separate list of Timestamps.
- Your LFS Username: DTM{Ger}

- Replay / Screenshot Link:
- Their LFS Username(s): thomasdriver
- Their LFS Nickname(s): [KBD]Thomas.

- Replay Timestamps:
36:08 - hits an other player while wrong-siding
38:20 - waiting for me at the roundabout and tryes to make me crash
38:46 - hits me
39:32 - wrong-siding and hits an other chase
41:15 - aims for me but misses
41:48 - following my chase to catch up
41:50 - aims on me but i could avoid him there
42:59 - crashed MaGiC while wrong-siding (here he said sorry)
43:44 - waiting for my chase to come closer
44:04 - tries to hit anyone of us - he misses all
44:23 - catching up to crash me heavilly
45:07 - tries to hit any cop - he hits PTR
45:22 - crashes me again
45:41 - hits GASS while wrong-siding
45:52 wanted to hit me again

- Reason for report: doesn't stick to the server-rules. Then he was swearing. he got auto-banned for this.
[Image: kbdthomas.png]
Shot at 2012-02-20

- Their LFS Username(s): rawD"Erga (don't find the special letters atm)
- Their LFS Nickname(s): sondredriver

- Replay Timestamps:
33:52 - aiming on me and crashed + drives away with Thomas
35:02 - breaking rule 1.5? hits [COP]URGE and follows the chase/tries to overtake
37:00 - nearly hits a parking player on the side of the road then crashes into me (i'm parking on the side too at this time) so i started to chase him
38:11 - Crashed frontal into an other Player, doesn't shows any reaction.
46:12 - interfering in an other chase

- Reason for report: doesn't stick to the rules too

Reporting - [KBD]Thomas. and rawD"Erga - Stunna - 2012-02-22 20:39

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Alright, the user '[KBD]Thomas.' is newish but due to his actions while he was playing on the servers he will be serving a longish ban. As for 'sondredriver', he has little to none game play on the servers but he will be serving a 10day ban for this. Thanks for your report.

+ Reporting - [KBD]Thomas. and rawD"Erga (Report Archived by Stunna) - Stunna - 2012-02-22 21:32

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.