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Cop panel. - Printable Version

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Cop panel. - Bez - 2012-03-28 10:58

Warning big image. (1920x1080)

I was cruising around this morning and I had this idea.
Giving cops the ability to leave notes on a users record. e.g "User likes to drive in the sand for 20 minutes" or tips for other cops.

Also to show the cops if the user has been fined before. i.e. Someone pulls over the suspect gives them a warning, leaves a note saying "User was given warning for speeding 28/03/2012 at 11.49am" Then the next cop can come around clock, pull the suspect over and see on the record s/he had a warning already and give them a fine. (This could be an automatic system that inputs the user has been warned,[/color] once the suspect stops and !lost has been typed.)

Also a danger rating on the users record 1/100 calculated by the number of chases this user has escaped. (Could also so the number of chases the suspect has W/L

Tell me what you think Smile I think it will bring more fun for copping and a realistic side as well.


RE: Cop panel. - porez - 2012-03-28 11:27

(2012-03-28 10:58)Bez Wrote:  leaves a note saying "User was given warning for speeding 28/03/2012 at 11.49am"

(2012-03-28 10:58)Bez Wrote:  danger rating on the users record 1/100 calculated by the number of chases this user has escaped.

RE: Cop panel. - Johan. - 2012-03-28 13:41

(2012-03-28 11:27)porez Wrote:  
(2012-03-28 10:58)Bez Wrote:  leaves a note saying "User was given warning for speeding 28/03/2012 at 11.49am"

(2012-03-28 10:58)Bez Wrote:  danger rating on the users record 1/100 calculated by the number of chases this user has escaped.

I'd rather see a reason, than a +1 or -1. I like both idea's, and the values can always be reset at the end of the day / session

RE: Cop panel. - ChrisM - 2012-03-28 14:43

Can't see many cops wanting to type a "warning has been given bla bla" every time they give a warning. Also, the "danger rating", well, we do have a top 20 etc on the forum and to be fair, i think this will only discourage cops to chase someone with a high "danger rating" in fear of losing their "prestigious" stats. Isn't it basically serving the purpose of the "XP system" we already have?

RE: Cop panel. - Lewis - 2012-03-28 14:57

Nice idea, its soft of like a police national computer. +1 Smile

RE: Cop panel. - Tommer - 2012-03-28 15:11

If it automatically said the last warnings the user were given I think that could help cops decide wether to issue a warning or give a fine

As for the danger rating I'm 50/50 on it, some cops might see it and learn to use some precaution EG call backup.. Whilst others might begin to chicken out creating a "Skills divide" where certain players will purposely ignore others feeling it is not possible to keep up.

I think the 'skills divide' in [TC] is gradually expanding because some players have up to 6 years experience whilst new people are.. new, improving police training could help close this gap a little.

RE: Cop panel. - porez - 2012-03-28 16:21

(2012-03-28 13:41)Johan. Wrote:  
(2012-03-28 11:27)porez Wrote:  
(2012-03-28 10:58)Bez Wrote:  leaves a note saying "User was given warning for speeding 28/03/2012 at 11.49am"

(2012-03-28 10:58)Bez Wrote:  danger rating on the users record 1/100 calculated by the number of chases this user has escaped.

I'd rather see a reason, than a +1 or -1.

(2012-03-28 14:43)ChrisM Wrote:  Can't see many cops wanting to type a "warning has been given bla bla" every time they give a warning.

There you go Thumbup
It takes too long.
Than cop instead of warning will give you a ticket for sure.
I'd do that.

RE: Cop panel. - Sinoco - 2012-04-11 17:50

(2012-03-28 16:21)porez Wrote:  There you go Thumbup
It takes too long.
Than cop instead of warning will give you a ticket for sure.
I'd do that.

Well, you could give a button in the fine list for every offence that says warning. So for careless driving, you would have "WARN 30 60 ...". Then when you pull somebody over it can show their recent offences, and the fine amount (or warning). Then you can see that they were warned and for what.

RE: Cop panel. - SLiiDE - 2012-04-11 18:27

(2012-04-11 17:50)Sinoco Wrote:  
(2012-03-28 16:21)porez Wrote:  There you go Thumbup
It takes too long.
Than cop instead of warning will give you a ticket for sure.
I'd do that.

Well, you could give a button in the fine list for every offence that says warning. So for careless driving, you would have "WARN 30 60 ...". Then when you pull somebody over it can show their recent offences, and the fine amount (or warning). Then you can see that they were warned and for what.

That's actually brilliant. The server needs more teamwork by COPs and this is a good start.

RE: Cop panel. - James - 2012-04-12 08:55

Personally, I would rather know whether I would be humiliated if I chase a suspect + the chance of the suspect being a wiener about me losing them. So yeah, I would rather know if someone is a known runner and has escaped than be, poked fun of. Really gets under my skin.

This is a good idea but I would rather see that it is more automatic than anything. Plus, you could have a second option (on top of the automatic notes on their record) to say whether: Tendency to ram in that chase that occured, lagged or what have you. Just so, over time. It can become more of an RP aspect and help those COPs who arent confident enough, build confidence.

Really, as someone who doesnt COP often, I dont have the confidence to chase the likes of Jedi, Lampshade or what have you because I just dont have the skill nor the patience to keep up with them. I would rather chase someone I knew I could catch than lose the suspect after calling backup in the first minute. I dont know if other COP newbies would feel like this but this, is generally my take on this and this system would benefit people like me the most.