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[RDSR] Football - Signup - Printable Version

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[RDSR] Football - Signup - Carl - 2017-03-31 23:09

[Image: 87FNa1D.png]

[Image: event-signups.png]

Please use this thread to signup to the [RDSR] Football event. There is no entry fee for this event.
  • The 3 members of the winning team will receive a steam code for a copy of Rocket League.
  • If a team that wins already owns the game, they'll receive 20,000 insim currency instead.
  • This event is open to everyone, however due to the fact some participants may already own the game, we will assign participants to teams. For example, those with Rocket League will be in teams together and those without will be in teams together.
  • There will be 8 teams of 3, so a maximum of 24 participants.
  • We will keep a list of reserves in the event of a team member failing to show up.

Please copy the code below into a new reply and edit accordingly so that it contains the information requested.

Player or Reserve?:

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No)
Link to your Steam account:

[Image: blue-car-small.png][Image: team-blue-1.png]
1. [GLOW] Angel (sergey29)
2. Barney (SmirkySmoke)
3. Ehet (ehetzip)

[Image: blue-car-small.png][Image: team-blue-2.png]
1. [GU]R0ut (R0ut66)
2. [GU-R]Squeeze (truckloader)
3. DJmadguy (DJMad)

[Image: red-car-small.png][Image: team-red-1.png]
1. Adam (k_badam)
2. [TC] Blacktop (notsosideways)
3. Lo°Blue (blueshift1980)

[Image: red-car-small.png][Image: team-red-2.png]
1. [6S] Jacob (Seal..)
2. [6S] Titan (CRC Titan2000)
3. [6S] Trinax (cooling)

[Image: pink-car-small.png][Image: team-pink-1.png]
1. Lo°RipstiE (RipstiE)
2. Lo*Stealy (Yuylol)
3. SO Huski (Huskii)

[Image: pink-car-small.png][Image: team-pink-2.png]

[Image: green-car-small.png][Image: team-green-1.png]
1. Otava (onniotava)
2. [CSR] Spark (Sparklez)
3. [GLOW] Razz (razrulz1234)

[Image: green-car-small.png][Image: team-green-2.png]

[Image: event-reserves.png]
1. Cyankill (rougey) - RL Owner
2. SO Jerkka (toni997) - RL Owner
3. [RDSR] Greyzone (bassliner)
4. Supr1zE (dreadster)
5. R.Friet (aadu)

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Angel - 2017-03-31 23:15

Username: sergey29
Nickname: [GLOW] Angel
Player or Reserve?: Player (Would like to be in team white if possible)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Angel1132/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Ehet - 2017-03-31 23:18

Username: ehetzip
Nickname: Ehet
Player or Reserve?: player (White team, if possible)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? No (only played it during the free weekend thing)
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/EHETZIP/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Rout - 2017-03-31 23:54

Username: R0ut66
Nickname: [GU]R0ut
Player or Reserve?: Player if possible on team Blue

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? No
Link to your Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/R0ut66/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Huski - 2017-04-01 00:08

Username: Huskii
Nickname: SO Huski
Player or Reserve?: Player (Put me whereever)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/WeirdFluffyThang


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Spark - 2017-04-01 06:23

Username: Sparklez
Nickname: [CSR] Spark
Player or Reserve?: Player

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/I_Arthur/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Barney - 2017-04-01 06:41

Username: smirkysmoke
Nickname: Barney
Player or Reserve?: player (preferably white if possible)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? No.
Link to your Steam account: tba


Action Taken by: Nismo
Administrator Message by: Nismo

I've added you to a team but please edit your sign-up with your SteamID, or PM it to me if you don't want it to be public.

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Trinax - 2017-04-01 08:53

Username: cooling
Nickname: [6S] Trinax
Player or Reserve?: Player

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Trinax


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Otava - 2017-04-01 10:34

Username: onniotava
Nickname: Otava
Player or Reserve?: Player

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105437264/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Razz - 2017-04-01 12:49

Username: razrulz1234
Nickname: [GLOW] Razz
Player or Reserve?: Player

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102548109/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Adam - 2017-04-01 13:22

Username: k_badam
Nickname: Adam
Player or Reserve?: Player (Red Preferably)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) Yes
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198152092461/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Blacktop - 2017-04-01 13:33

Username: notsosideways
Nickname: [TC] Blacktop
Player or Reserve?: Player (red pls Biggrin)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) Yes
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sucksthatmywifelost


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - sezski - 2017-04-01 13:34

Username: DJmad
Nickname: DJmadguy
Player or Reserve?: Player - Red

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No.
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/stancedcarproblems


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - RipstiE - 2017-04-01 13:55

Username: RipstiE
Nickname: Lo°RipstiE
Player or Reserve?: Player - red or white

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RipstiE


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Titan - 2017-04-01 21:22

Username: CRC Titan2000
Nickname: [6S] Titan
Player or Reserve?: Player
with trinax Heart

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020729155/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Jerkkka - 2017-04-02 01:55

Username: toni997
Nickname: SO•Jerkkka
Player or Reserve?: Player

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) Yes
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jerkkaown/


Action Taken by: Nismo

Administrator Message by: Nismo

Not attending, moved to reserves.

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Shamz - 2017-04-02 08:22

Player or Reserve?:Player (red preferably)

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shamzout/


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - Jacob - 2017-04-02 10:38

Username: Seal..
Nickname: [6S]Jacob
Player or Reserve?: player
6S harty pard

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001567177


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - V-Tec/ Mr.Stealy - 2017-04-02 11:08

Username: Yuylol
Nickname: Lo*Stealy
Player or Reserve?: player

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? (Yes/No) No
Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198236592544


Action Taken by: Nismo

RE: [RDSR] Football - Signup - CyanKill - 2017-04-02 11:44

Username: rougey
Nickname: CyanKill
Player or Reserve?: Reserve

Do you own Rocket League on Steam already? Yes
Link to your Steam account: aa


Action Taken by: Nismo