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[Code 1] unban request 2? - Printable Version

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unban request 2? - VladM - 2018-08-03 20:02

- Your LFS Username:

- Time & Date of Incident:2018-08-03 19:57:33

- Replay / Screenshot Link:n/a
- Replay Timestamps:n/a

- Reasons as to why you think you deserve an unban and why you feel your unban request was unfairly denied:

i just got unbanned, first time tried connecting to server, almost worked but it said something about host, then when i tried joining again i was banned again, apparently it auto-banned me for code(1) pls help?

vladm VladM Ban 12 hours 2018-08-03 19:57:33 2018-08-04 07:57:33 0d 11hr 57min 33 sec Autoban (Code 1)

oh nevermind its because i logged in from romania, and i got banned while i was in the uk)
I can't delete this could someone help?

unban request 2? (Country Unlocked and Unbanned by BP) - BP - 2018-08-03 20:11

Your account has been unlocked and will be unbanned shortly.

Please respond to this thread in future cases of Code 1 bans or country changes rather than posting a new thread. This will help administrators swiftly deal with any further cases.

If you find yourself frequently travelling between two locations or are going on holiday, you can now enable Holiday Mode right from [TC] World. Holiday Mode will enable you to connect to our [TC] Gaming servers from another nominated country without getting a 'Code 1' ban.

Login to [TC] World > My Account to enable this feature!