[TC] Gaming Forums
FZ5 polis skins (Inactive) - Printable Version

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FZ5 polis skins (Inactive) - Onur - 2018-09-13 11:16


FZ5 polis skins - BP - 2018-09-13 11:58

This thread has been put forward for discussion by [TC] Members. We aim to get back to you with a verdict as soon as possible - Thanks!

RE: FZ5 polis skins - Carl - 2018-09-14 07:07

I'd say that is ok imo, can't see anything worth pointing out.

RE: FZ5 polis skins - Onur - 2018-09-14 08:04

so I can use it on server?

RE: FZ5 polis skins - BP - 2018-09-14 08:09

I think Carl may have responded to the wrong thread.

There's nothing stopping you from using it on the servers anyway. Posting a Skin Approval thread doesn't mean you can't use the skin until it's been approved. You only can't use it if an admin says so in-game or if it's been denied here.

We'll get back to you shortly.

RE: FZ5 polis skins - Shino - 2018-10-05 21:25

We're having trouble with approving this skin, all the POLIS writing is upto standard but nothing else on the car makes it easily identifiable as a COP skin. Have a play around with it until it looks more COP like.

Status: Thread Inactive. Updated by: Shino. - Shino - 2018-10-16 14:34

Inactive Thread
This thread will be archived due to inactivity. Please feel free to make a new thread (remember it's one skin per thread) when you are ready for feedback on how to get your skin to the required standards.
