[TC] Gaming Forums
[Code 1] Got Banned (Code 1) - Printable Version

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Got Banned (Code 1) - santeXFz - 2018-12-03 07:52

Hey there, installed LFS a few minutes ago and decided to join TC cruise. Got banned instantly with Code 1, can`t find my name on banned list tho. License WubWubWub

Please help me sort this out. Thanks.

Moderator Message by: Ash

Thread moved from General Discussions to Server Administration Tasks

RE: Got Banned (Code 1) - Kyle - 2018-12-03 07:53

- This should be in Server Administration Tasks
- This should be in the right format

RE: Got Banned (Code 1) - Ash - 2018-12-03 07:58

Good Morning,

Please could you provide me with the following details so that I or any other administrator can evaluate your request:
  • Your current location you are attempting to play from
  • Any previous locations you have played from using that account
  • Are there any previous owners to this account?

Many thanks,


RE: Got Banned (Code 1) - santeXFz - 2018-12-03 08:02

* Uk
* Lithuania
* No (Can`t remember if I allowed anyone to use my account, sorry)

RE: Got Banned (Code 1) - Ash - 2018-12-03 08:04

Many thanks for confirming. Are you in the UK temporarily or on a permanent basis?

RE: Got Banned (Code 1) - santeXFz - 2018-12-03 08:06

Permanent if nothing changes. You know.. life.

Got Banned (Code 1) (Country Unlocked and Unbanned by Ash) - Ash - 2018-12-03 08:08

Your account has been unlocked and will be unbanned shortly.

Please respond to this thread in future cases of Code 1 bans or country changes rather than posting a new thread. This will help administrators swiftly deal with any further cases.

If you find yourself frequently travelling between two locations or are going on holiday, you can now enable Holiday Mode right from [TC] World. Holiday Mode will enable you to connect to our [TC] Gaming servers from another nominated country without getting a 'Code 1' ban.

Login to [TC] World > My Account to enable this feature!