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Unban me please (Unban Request Granted by Josh) - Printable Version

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Unban me please (Unban Request Granted by Josh) - tehguy - 2011-10-22 11:07

Hello Biggrin

I love City Driving, I haven't played LFS for a long time but I just found my G25 and I want to get back in to it, TC server is the only one where you have cruise and can easily get FZR, so I was hoping you could unban me Smile

- Your LFS Username: janipewter

- Time & Date of Incident: a long time ago, maybe 18 months or more?

- Replay / Screenshot Link: n/a
- Replay Timestamps: n/a

- Reasons as to why you think you deserve an unban: it has been a long time, I have learned my lesson Thumbup

Oh and the reason I was banned, me and a friend were playing one night I think about 3am, there was a guy on there calling us "niggers" and telling us to suck his *Removed* etc, there were no admins to ban him so me and a friend crashed him in to a wall, and I got banned Scared I'm sure you have logs of it somewhere.

Anyway I hope you will let me play again soon Thumbup1

RE: Unban me please - Josh - 2011-10-22 12:34


You were banned nearly 4 years ago by a member who has since left the team. We will have a discussion about this internally, although reading your unban request doesn't inspire me with much confidence.


RE: Unban me please - tehguy - 2011-10-23 00:49

Thanks for considering Smile as I said it has been a while (although it doesn't feel like 4 years). You can probably see from my stats I'm not a person who tries to ruin the game for everyone, I had a few km's and cash and cars and I loved playing on there, I didn't just join with the intention of crashing everyone.

RE: Unban me please - Josh - 2011-10-24 17:09


Do you know what you said which could have been seen as "Anti-American" talk? That's something we're still trying to clear up.

RE: Unban me please - tehguy - 2011-10-24 19:14

Hi, I think I called someone a geezer and it was misinterpreted? It was a while ago, I can't remember what happened exactly, but the guy posted a screenshot of me crashing him and that's why I got banned. What did I say? /Mellow

RE: Unban me please - Josh - 2011-10-24 21:31


I think I have found the User Report that got you banned (with help from GKA), on our old old forum in 2008.

The comment you made was "Automatics are for loser and idiots who can't do more than one thing at a time", "(aka Americans)".

this comment is simply not worthy of an instant permanent ban (especially as your record prior to this incident isn't too bad. Admittedly, I feel a ban is warranted for what you did back then, however a perm ban seems excessive (as does 3 years).

We will remove the ban and let you back on the servers.

I suggest reading up on our server rules - a lot has changed since 2008.



RE: Unban me please - tehguy - 2011-10-26 11:37

Hi, thanks very much, I don't remember saying that although it does sound like something I would say. Actually I drive an automatic car, I'm not a loser although I am an idiot sometimes Thumbup

I thought the ban was for crashing which was fair, but thanks for the unban anyway. I don't mean to disrupt all I want to do is drive with the FZR. Do you still have the rentals system? W00t

RE: Unban me please - Josh - 2011-10-26 15:28


You are now unbanned.

Have fun and stay safe.

Unban Request Granted.

You will be unbanned shortly.