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SR System - Printable Version

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SR System - Chuck - 2022-10-31 12:22

So I chose to deactivate the system for now.

The latest version was simply too rewarding so that the losses for crashes would be required to be a lot bigger to make a difference. The goal wasn't to give 10% extra to just everyone.
However, I figured the moaning would started again once that point was reached where people actually go down to 50% income, or even less.

The "haters" of the system have been very loud and restless in all possible channels, so I want to give those people a chance to speak here now who were in favour of such a system.

I'd like to hear your feedback.

RE: SR System - 7mar - 2022-10-31 13:03

say no to pvl's old boring wishes!!!!!!! bring back the fun!!!!!!!!

RE: SR System - Chuck - 2022-10-31 13:20

Thanks, good example of the feedback I'm not asking for.

RE: SR System - Petsu - 2022-10-31 13:28

(2022-10-31 12:22)Chuck Wrote:  The latest version was simply too rewarding so that the losses for crashes would be required to be a lot bigger to make a difference. The goal wasn't to give 10% extra to just everyone.

I actually liked the system a lot now, as it was rewarding your good driving and didn't punish you from others mistakes. Isn't that what you wanted safety rating system to achieve? If you drove within speedlimits when there was people around (which is safer for others), you didn't end up losing SR from minor accidents which also ended up being much smaller as less speed was involved. Also if you were driving within speedlimits, and if someone came driving 250km/h in to you WW you weren't punished for it. Rewarding 10% more income which is instantly taken away with your first rating loss doesn't sound too bad to me.

RE: SR System - Yukine - 2022-10-31 13:31

The 29th's update solved my own problems toward the rating itself, as I'm a slow & boring driver.
I remained unaffected yesterday despite all the hits due to other drivers.
My points against a SR system were more or less accurately relayed into the SR suggestion thread.

- Is the SR system really needed in the first place? And if so, why it is needed?

From my point of view it's only a system to replace admin presence; except that the system doesn't have the ability to make an accurate judgment.

It's kinda scary and dystopian to be constantly judged by a blind system.

I'd love to hear more about why that system got implemented in the first place.
(Don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely interested to hear about how things work in the background of a server I almost spent 4000hrs on and don't plan on leaving any day soon.)

RE: SR System - Sebas - 2022-10-31 13:49

I should state that I was mostly unaffected by the SR system, but it did cause me a few issues during its trial.

- I stopped helping people on the track when they needed a push / tow. It was too "risky".
- Whenever there was too many players around me, I would pull over and wait for traffic to clear.
- I refrained from driving faster vehicles to prevent costlier accidents.
- It added "stress" when playing the game, for some reason.

My biggest gripe with the system was the half-assed implementation of it. When it was first added, we were told that it was "in testing period" and not to worry too much about it. However, it quickly started to cause real issues to players (unable to drive cars, can't help drivers on the track, can't "mess" anymore, etc..) If the system was kept in trial with no consequences, there would be more chances to gather data and adjust the system as necessary. As Petsu said, the system is much better now than it was.

I think this system needs more testing, more data, more refining before bringing it back as "fully functional".

RE: SR System - Tommer - 2022-10-31 13:50

(2022-10-31 13:31)Yukine Wrote:  From my point of view it's only a system to replace admin presence;

Administration can be a very difficult thing when people have no motivation of their own to behave the way you want them to do - People constantly pushing their luck, testing boundaries etc. There becomes this feeling that every second you don't administrate against someone testing their luck, you set a precedent that it's OK for the next person etc.

Also when you rely solely on administrators for people to behave, it also results in, well, surprise, more administration, people getting kicked, banned etc, this can result in losing valuable community members over time. People constantly making reports rather than solving problems amongst themselves. In the end as an admin I find you really want to be there to deal with problems that matter, not to be adult daycare.

In this regard I see why [TC] might want the SR system - It gives motivation to people to avoid collisions (even when a player feels righteous - eg. WW collisions) and therefor the only people they are likely to have to administrate are the people who come to [TC] and don't care about playing the game, earning cars etc so they just crash a lot, and those aren't really valuable people to lose when you have to eject/ban them anyway.

Whether the SR system in its current form is effective is another matter that I haven't had enough time with to comment on, but the general principle of giving players a motivation to avoid collisions of their own I can get behind.

RE: SR System - M6nsh - 2022-10-31 14:05

I was disappointed when I saw that the SR has been temporarily or forever removed

here are my ideas for the sr points

Add New Shop Points shop

  1. For 125 points, you can purchase an extra income of 1+ and it lasts for one hour
  2. For 500 points, you can purchase a 10% Discount to buy cars with it, and the 10% affects the car when you sell it
Those are just a few examples - I haven't really thought about what else I could type. I'll let the boys add the rest in the comment below

And for the Safety system
instead of car restrictions
- 90-100% : purple (Hyper cars)
- 70-90% : green (FZ5 class)
- 50-70% : yellow (TBO class, e.g. FXO)
- 30-50% : red (STD class, e.g. XFG)
- 0-30% : black (UF1 only)

if the player goes under 85% System will Alert the Admins to watch him
under 50% the system should discipline the player by restriction him to uf1 and an admin should talk to him about the road laws and server rules Player should also drive more sensibly, if there is no SR anymore there will be a big mess on the main roads

RE: SR System - Chuck - 2022-10-31 14:18

(2022-10-31 14:05)M6nsh Wrote:  ...
if the player goes under 85% System will Alert the Admins to watch him
under 50% the system should discipline the player by restriction him to uf1 and an admin should talk to him about the road laws and server rules Player should also drive more sensibly, if there is no SR anymore there will be a big mess on the main roads

You know there where multiple admins even below 85? Wink

RE: SR System - M6nsh - 2022-10-31 14:32

(2022-10-31 14:18)Chuck Wrote:  You know there where multiple admins even below 85? Wink

GG, i guess you have to come up with something that makes people don't wanna think to go below 100SR something close like a reward like Maybe Not losing money by 2% if you were driving fast

RE: SR System - Felipe Jardim - 2022-10-31 14:49


I think the SR system was great, although dipping below 100 shouldn't affect your BASE income right away. A good place to start affecting income could be below 75% and a UF1 restriction at 25% would work well for the server, once you reach 0, community 24h auto-ban.

RE: SR System - January - 2022-10-31 14:55

(Automatic car restrictions) in my opinion that is the only thing that made players hate the system.

The last update was perfect for me especially when SR goes down based on speed but still can't make an accurate judgment as Yukine said.

About the rewards of the system, I believe players already have perfect opinions.

RE: SR System - Ephwurd - 2022-10-31 15:39

First of all, the system was running in a good way before the Safety System, but if you really want to implement this system to the server, I liked the latest version of SR system. The latest version is still has its own unfair evaluations but it is in acceptable limits. If there is a driver who "really" is causing problems will be punished, if you are driving safe, you will be rewarded. That's good in my opinion. Chuck, you can improve that system step by step in future I believe. Currently it doesn't hurt anyones gameplay with the latest update. If somebody still thinks that their gameplay affected even with that update, they should look over their driving.

(2022-10-31 14:05)M6nsh Wrote:  I was disappointed when I saw that the SR has been temporarily or forever removed

here are my ideas for the sr points

Add New Shop Points shop

  1. For 125 points, you can purchase an extra income of 1+ and it lasts for one hour
  2. For 500 points, you can purchase a 10% Discount to buy cars with it, and the 10% affects the car when you sell it
Those are just a few examples - I haven't really thought about what else I could type. I'll let the boys add the rest in the comment below

And for the Safety system
instead of car restrictions
- 90-100% : purple (Hyper cars)
- 70-90% : green (FZ5 class)
- 50-70% : yellow (TBO class, e.g. FXO)
- 30-50% : red (STD class, e.g. XFG)
- 0-30% : black (UF1 only)

if the player goes under 85% System will Alert the Admins to watch him
under 50% the system should discipline the player by restriction him to uf1 and an admin should talk to him about the road laws and server rules Player should also drive more sensibly, if there is no SR anymore there will be a big mess on the main roads

You should consider being a policeman in real life, and also you can join TC team. The suggestions on the last part on your post are looking harsh and don't make sense to me. If you are looking for that realism, you can drive on roads in real life. You are be crazy, discipline in game...

RE: SR System - M6nsh - 2022-10-31 16:04

(2022-10-31 15:39)Ephwurd Wrote:  You should consider being a policeman in real life, and also you can join TC team. The suggestions on the last part on your post are looking harsh and don't make sense to me. If you are looking for that realism, you can drive on roads in real life. You are be crazy, discipline in game...

just to make myself clear I meant for discipline is to uf1 restriction

RE: SR System - Ephwurd - 2022-10-31 16:16

(2022-10-31 16:04)M6nsh Wrote:  
(2022-10-31 15:39)Ephwurd Wrote:  You should consider being a policeman in real life, and also you can join TC team. The suggestions on the last part on your post are looking harsh and don't make sense to me. If you are looking for that realism, you can drive on roads in real life. You are be crazy, discipline in game...

So? It's about the rule 1.12. Stunts.

Quote:Stunts may only be performed in specific, designated areas, as long as their use doesn't cause a nuisance to other players. Allowable areas are off the road and listed in specific server rules.

Communicate at first, then there are in-game admins, !report-!admin commands or forum. Also that's doesn't make any sense.

RE: SR System - Chuck - 2022-11-01 04:20

Thanks for all the feedback.

(2022-10-31 13:49)Sebas Wrote:  ..
- It added "stress" when playing the game, for some reason.
This is something I can actually comprehend.

RE: SR System - AnansiMaxine - 2022-11-05 20:00

I wasn't affected much by the system, except in one situation where I swerved through 2 bicycles, didn't touch any but still lost around 3 SR.

Would I like to see this system again? Eh, I wouldn't really think so.

(2022-10-31 14:05)M6nsh Wrote:  I was disappointed when I saw that the SR has been temporarily or forever removed

here are my ideas for the sr points

Add New Shop Points shop

  1. For 125 points, you can purchase an extra income of 1+ and it lasts for one hour
  2. For 500 points, you can purchase a 10% Discount to buy cars with it, and the 10% affects the car when you sell it
Those are just a few examples - I haven't really thought about what else I could type. I'll let the boys add the rest in the comment below

And for the Safety system
instead of car restrictions
- 90-100% : purple (Hyper cars)
- 70-90% : green (FZ5 class)
- 50-70% : yellow (TBO class, e.g. FXO)
- 30-50% : red (STD class, e.g. XFG)
- 0-30% : black (UF1 only)

if the player goes under 85% System will Alert the Admins to watch him
under 50% the system should discipline the player by restriction him to uf1 and an admin should talk to him about the road laws and server rules Player should also drive more sensibly, if there is no SR anymore there will be a big mess on the main roads

Under 50%?? Wouldn't think to make it that strict but I sorta see some players being affected and maybe they could change their behaviour after that.

RE: SR System - GT4tube - 2022-11-05 21:01

SR 2.0 coming? I see gg..

SR is cool but one problem is strange if crash both (Me and you) get lost SR, who no fault so why?
*If touch side car (like hit nothing) will get lost SR too what logic.

Maybe idea:

SR cruise safe skills without cars restrictions. But still when 0 will get UF1/Bicycle restrict only. 10 SR will back to normal. (Cars restrictions gone). [Could low hit damage point 1-3 max)
That simple maybe. (Don't set EXTREME LEVEL like Dark Souls they unlike already).

B) (same A) but add +25% bonus increase every km if 100 SR only.

C) SR just add +25% bonus increase every km if 100 SR only. (Without Cars restrictions)

D) NO SR Forever? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯