[TC] Gaming Forums
Contacting Admins Directly & Management Changes - Printable Version

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Contacting Admins Directly & Management Changes - Ash - 2022-11-21 18:02

Hi everyone,

This announcement contains a request from us to the community, and some changes to management.

It is becoming increasingly common that community members directly message (DM) admins on Discord, often asking for administrative help or support.

We'd like to kindly request that players avoid directly Discord DMing any [TC] Member in relation to admin or management tasks. Many admins have Discord installed on their phone, and often receive such notifications throughout the day. This can be overwhelming for admins who may be at work or are otherwise fulfilling responsibilities outside of the [TC] community.

We do already have all the necessary areas in place which cover various types of requests. For example:
  • The Server Administration Tasks area has sub-forums which can be used to submit User Reports (also see here), Unban Requests, Refund Requests, and so on. We also have a Suggestions forum for community suggestions.
  • For general questions or support, we have the "admin-helpdesk" on Discord, or you can post a thread in Server Administration Tasks.
  • You may also approach any online admin in-game (on a [TC] CityDriving server).

Forum PMs, while significantly less intrusive than Discord DMs, should also be avoided (see above list).

We hope this is an understandable request and we hope to see you on the servers.

Onto the management changes:

[TC]►Bez◄ has completed his Chief Constable in Training Period and has returned to his previous rank of Inspector. We thank him for his useful inputs over the last number of weeks, including during the open recruitment.

Lastly, we regret to announce that [TC]►Adrian◄ has chosen to step down from Supervisor to Inspector. We are extremely thankful for his consistent management contributions over the last four years. He will be inactive from the servers for a while, but we hope to see him again soon.


Ash on behalf of [TC] CityDriving Management