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Multi purpose Kyoto - Printable Version

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Multi purpose Kyoto - Yukine - 2022-11-22 00:30

Recent changes on Kyoto's layout made me realize how bland it was.
You got the autobahn, the autobahn bus lane, and two roads.

I genuinely feel like this map, which is loved by a lot of people, is left on the side by the lack of diversity.

Why not use the current bus lane as a road separated from the autobahn?

It could be used to diversify the map and give players the freedom of choosing to drive either on the autobahn or on more "city oriented" secondary roads.

The newly created road (drawn in purple) could be restricted to 120kph, or less, and with that make the creation of bus stops and delivery points feasible.

In addition to that, the current SZ2 could be repurposed as some kind of market/industrial area, using some pitbox interior as stores, factories, etc (I know you love building Chuck W00t ).

The legend name is purposely hinting at keeping the concept of loops.
- Autobahn loop, for people who want to drive quickly (the essence of TC's Kyoto weeks I believe)
- Inner road loop, for people who want to "cruise" and engage in a pseudo city like roleplay.

This thread is intended to seek ideas to get the most out of Kyoto, to benefit everybody, from avid autobahn enjoyers, to avid bussing enjoyers, avid delivery enjoyers and avid cruising enjoyers.
Feel free to share a piece of your mind. Smile

The "I wish I learned to use Inkscape" draft:
[Image: image.png]

RE: Multi purpose Kyoto - Huski - 2022-11-22 04:14

I have figured out quickly at least for me Kyoto can get bland fairly quickly, I like throwing a car around the autobahn but most of the time the route I drive is fairly Autobahn light (image attached)

[Image: U8k4J7V.jpg]
(pro gimp skillz!)

Something to change the flow and the layout should be considered, to bring KY with its limited roads more in line with the other things in the track arsenal would be a good thing imho, and if a way exists to let people have their balance of speed and those of us who like granny driving would be great.

RE: Multi purpose Kyoto - Felipe Jardim - 2022-11-22 06:02

Yes i like this, but speed on the AB section should be 200km/h and the Inner loop should be less that 100km/h (how else am i supposed to make money?!?! Tongue )

Also the addition of a Circular bus route in the area would be nice and welcomed.

RE: Multi purpose Kyoto - Marty_Deslions - 2022-11-22 09:04

Good idea!


RE: Multi purpose Kyoto - Marty_Deslions - 2022-11-25 10:07




Maybe I should find another hobby

[Image: kyoto-secondaryroad-1.png]

[Image: kyoto-secondaryroad-2.png]

[Image: kyoto-secondaryroad-3.png]

[Image: kyoto-secondaryroad-4.png]

[Image: kyoto-secondaryroad-5.png]

Also, @scawen please more objects

RE: Multi purpose Kyoto - Yukine - 2022-11-25 13:41

That looks quite interesting!

RE: Multi purpose Kyoto - Felipe Jardim - 2022-11-27 02:43

I like this one over the one we had Friday only because of that second RB near the AB rest area