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- Report - PauliusNa, bowler, pirou (Report Archived by Petsu) - Printable Version

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- Report - PauliusNa, bowler, pirou (Report Archived by Petsu) - doriftomanma'g - 2023-02-09 18:13

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: mrblazefist

Their LFS Username(s): PauliusNa, bowler, pirou
Their In-game Nickname(s): [COP]PauliusN, [PACT]ganji[COP], monke[cop] (respectively)

Incident Information

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
chase start: 9:30
unnecessary touch by PauliusNa: 13:33
PauliusNa clearly impatient during this corner, touching me hard (lmao): 13:44
bowler rams me with too much aggression: 17:38
pirou rams me (no, theres no way that's a pit): 18:22
end chase: 18:50


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://www.mediafire.com/file/tnqa4xc4xhv5re7/bad+chase+due+to+bullying.mpr/file

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Petsu. - Petsu - 2023-02-09 19:12

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Report - PauliusNa, bowler, pirou - puro - 2023-02-09 19:58


RE: Report - PauliusNa, bowler, pirou - doriftomanma'g - 2023-02-09 20:16

"Clean PIT" - One that would be started by anchoring the suspect's vehicle and push progressively until one's rear is lost. Your confidence to say that that was a clean pit is endangering.
TC's cops standards, no surprise.

The ww-ing is irrelevant, considering there was a lot of happening at that moment and wasn't sure returning to my lane would be best.

RE: Report - PauliusNa, bowler, pirou - doriftomanma'g - 2023-02-10 09:46

So, if you find it a "minor one off rule", again, irrelevant, because you would've done this further if the chase handn't finished earlier. Being an "experienced" cop, i can only assume you do this on a consistent basis given you calling that a clean pit.
Btw, you complained about your car's condition, which you blamed for the accident, and that is (guess what!), irrelevant (again), since your vehicle's suspension didin't have enough damage to unstabilize your driving.
And EVEN if you were unstable, why insist on leading and taking care of the contact yourself, with at least 3 other cops in the chase?

As for, if i had considered you polite, you could be acting. Talking in-game is pointless, leads to little to no pressure on the accused. Reporting is more efficient, gives the accused time to think for themselves, possibilitating the chance of change, and eventually, dropping the entitled attitude and assuming guilt (hard ik, but i believe in you... kinda)

Find me oversensitive? Look at the ones who beg for an apology every crash.

From this report, i expect the main punishment to affect Ganji (bowler), since after that atrocity he had the audacity of commenting it "pit m8", "clean" seconds after the incident.

edit: being a game, mentioning concepts like "endangerment" is a little overkill, im aware, but the objective, being a roleplaying server (search for the definition yourself, im done lecturing after this), you should play your role with at least some accuracy, which is somewhat impossible, but in the end, sucessfully practice your etiquette, unless you intend to be a *Removed*.

also, can i get an iconic Michael de Santa WTF for ganji's cop play time.

RE: Report - PauliusNa, bowler, pirou - Petsu - 2023-02-12 05:27

Hi dorifto!

Quote:unnecessary touch by PauliusNa: 13:33
PauliusNa clearly impatient during this corner, touching me hard (lmao): 13:44
First timestamp is clear pit attempt at slow speeds. Second one is very mild contact which caused no damage to your suspension, looks like Paulius probably tried to anticipate you taking the corner faster but for some reason you started slowing down.

Quote:bowler rams me with too much aggression: 17:38
Clean hit to the rear of your car which caused no damage to your suspension but still made you lose control and slow down.

Quote:pirou rams me (no, theres no way that's a pit): 18:22
At first glance i thought this as borderline case but after watching it from Piros perspective it is clear as day PIT on straight road. Again caused no damage to you but instead made you spin uncontrollably and slow down.

From manual Wrote:1. Communicate properly
You should always talk properly before calling an admin or reporting. Giving the rulebreaker rational and friendly hints can help them follow the rules. A report is not always necessary. A report is needed if the offence is severe or if the user does not improve.
It would be greatly appreciated if instead coming straight to forums you would at least try to resolve the problem ingame. There was also admin ingame at the moment which you could have tried to contact via !tc.

(2023-02-09 20:16)doriftomanmag Wrote:  The ww-ing is irrelevant, considering there was a lot of happening at that moment and wasn't sure returning to my lane would be best.

Rule 3.2 Wrote:Try as much as possible to stay on the correct side of the road.
Being in a chase is no excuse for hitting other cars, and will be treated like ramming.

When you report someone you also subject your own actions to be reviewed. From replay i saw you cause few severe accidents because you kept wrongwaying, last one being the worst one which you didn't even apologize for. I'd like to think you were just focusing on cops behind you and it was purely accidental, but i will still remind you about the warning you confirmed 10 days ago. I hope next time situations like this arise you will try to communicate and also reflect on your own actions before reporting others.


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