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+ you_nos, rewotwo (Report Archived by Dodo) - Printable Version

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+ you_nos, rewotwo (Report Archived by Dodo) - dmrzn - 2023-07-13 13:59

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:dmrzn

Their LFS Username(s):FASTRANKER1,0hShit
Their In-game Nickname(s):you_nos,Ódóùç‘Rewotwo

Incident Information

Date of Incident: 2 days ago and today
Time of Incident:

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):


1:17:27Sealed Lipsx : you_nos According to the person coming out of the pitstop, he hits the man without braking

1:18:55Sealed Lipsx : Ódóùç‘Rewotwo drives a bus very amateurishly

1:18:50Sealed Lipsx: you_nos uf1 goes by pressing the horn towards the driver

1:21:33Sealed Lipsx: Ódóùç‘Rewotwo going ww

1:21:39Sealed Lipsx :Ódóùç‘Rewotwo hits the bus in front and squeezes it from behind.

1:23:35Sealed Lipsx : Ódóùç‘Rewotwo backs up quickly and crashes into the bus behind it and then continues to crash

1:25:21Sealed Lipsx : you_ness going ww

1:26:35Sealed Lipsx : waits in the middle of the road and blocks traffic

1:29:37Sealed Lipsx : going wrong together

1:34:07Sealed Lipsx: you_nos going ww

1:38:30Sealed Lipsx : you_nos and Ódóùç‘Rewotwo again going ww


4:36 : you_nos[RES] exceeds speed limit

5:11: going redlight

5:22 : drifting

9:18 : going ww

9:26 : went into the opposite lane and cause me an accident


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):FİRST MPR

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Dodo. - Dodo - 2023-07-13 16:13

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: you_nos, rewotwo - Josh - 2023-07-14 21:26

Hi Dmrzn,

Can you just clarify why you have reported these incidents and how they affected your gameplay?

Specifically; first replay - You have held on to this report for 2 days. None of the timestamps involved you or had a negative affect on anyone else's gameplay. (with the exception of 1:20:00 - which involved a different user and looked like it resolved itself in-game).

You have reported both users for very minor driving offences whilst driving a bus. You are also guilty of these offence whilst driving a bus:
1:24:10 - You also go WW
1:25:08 - You understeer and run wide crashing into tyres on H2
1:25:28 - You run wide and cut across the grass at The Beach
1:26:15 - You crash into another user who is in a pitstop, pushing him into the middle of the road where you leave him.

I appreciate the incident in second MPR however both you and Dodo spoke to you_nos online at the time to remind him about RES rules. Why do you feel the need to still create a forum report for this?


RE: you_nos, rewotwo - dmrzn - 2023-07-14 22:48

I opened it because Dodo directed me to report

RE: you_nos, rewotwo - Josh - 2023-07-14 22:56

Is that for the first or second replay?

RE: you_nos, rewotwo - dmrzn - 2023-07-14 23:26

Second and the dodo that there was an mpr about them bumping into each other with a bus and it led to the forum

RE: you_nos, rewotwo - Josh - 2023-07-15 00:02

You were not affected by anything that happened in the first report. In fact, you were also doing the same things that you reported them for. The fact you told someone about it 2 days later makes it look like more of a personal attack on both users to try and get them in trouble, simply rather than reporting people that have affected your gameplay.

RE: you_nos, rewotwo - Josh - 2023-07-15 13:41

Hi Dmrzn,

Thank you for your patience.

Dodo and myself have reviewed your report and agreed on the following:

1st MPR:

You_nos and Rewotwo will have no action taken. Their behaviour/driving had no direct impact on anyone else at the time (except for the one incident I mentioned at 1:20:00) which doesn't warrant any further action.

TheRatoX will receive a final warning for insulting.

2nd MPR:

You-nos was dealt with in-game for his driving as a RES. He has been given a warning by Dodo and this has been backed up by a URS/On-screen warning.



I would like to point you to the following information:


Quote:Before you post a user report, we ask that you read the following information.

  • The user broke a one-off minor rule which didn't hinder anyone's gameplay,
  • The user was polite and stopped when notified about the rule (provided the original rule-break wasn't too severe).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You should always try talking to rule-breakers first. A lot of problems can be resolved by politely talking to people. With that being said, severe rule-breaks should still be reported after.

As I have already pointed out in >this< post, I do not believe this report was 100% genuine. It seems that you have held on to this evidence to try to build a bigger case against You_nos to land him in more trouble.

It took you 2 days to mention the replay you had of You_nos and Rewotwo to an admin - and none of their behaviour affected you in any way. As I stated above you are also guilty of many of the driving offences you reported them for (at the same time). If you were actually concerned with their behaviour I'm sure you would have reported it straight away. It has quite honestly been a waste of time dealing with this as many of the things you pointed out are complete non-issues.

If you have a genuine issue with a user and need to report them via !tc/!report or on the forum, that is absolutely fine - but please make sure you can justify the report. It must have some impact on yourself or be a significant rule break. I do not want to see reports for small and petty issues, like someone understeering a bus onto a patch of grass when nobody else is even near them.

You will have your Forum Warning Level raised to 20%. Any further warning will result in your posting rights being restricted. Please also bear this advice in mind when making !reports and !tc requests online - I do not want to discourage people from asking for our help, but please do not waste our time.


Status: Investigation Complete. Updated by Dodo. - Dodo - 2023-07-15 14:58

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.