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Ability to cap performance of backup units - Printable Version

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Ability to cap performance of backup units - BP - 2023-08-25 05:38


I'm posting this suggestion publicly because I'd like some opinions from everyone.
Please note that this suggestion is coming from me only, with no guarantee of implementation.

Due to the addition of mods, chases are often extremely imbalanced against suspects (more than ever before). This is because some cops choose very powerful vehicles, regardless of what the suspect is driving.

When calling (or just prior to calling) backup, some cops (including myself) like to state in chat something like "tbo/ same performance as tbo only". This isn't a totally ideal solution.

Add a function for the longest in chase to choose the chase's level of backup. For example, cap any responders at a similar performance level to the suspect.

This can be achieved either through a different command eg !backupc (backup capped) or through the "preference" system.

I believe the insim already has a general rough idea of a vehicle's performance.

I will add a poll but actual responses would be most ideal

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - BP - 2023-08-25 05:58

Edited suggestion slightly. Only 1 vote (me) and a few views at this point.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - 7mar - 2023-08-25 06:44

its really unfair nowadays, how a newbie on the server takes an overpowered mod car and slaughters everyone with just accelerating. (no steering or braking needed) most cops do their job to get money, noone does it for fun anymore. is this traffic cops or traffic dubai cop money farming?
chases should be equal and everyone should play for their own fun. its also funny how they keep calling backup on you, and doing shitty manuevers which causes a lot of damage to ur realistic car made by lfs devs themselves

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Ras - 2023-08-25 07:00

A lot of slower cars are really good mods, but you're put off choosing it for chase purposes because cops will always choose a fast car, so they can join on fast suspects, but will not hesitate to join on slower cars as well, and that's how it gets out of balance.

This idea would be really good to have.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - laurynas683 - 2023-08-25 07:00

yes cap cops in chases.Cuz now cops dont even try to stay longer in chases or drive abit safer just not to crash or not to get damage.I ussualy see cops dont call backup till thay dont have damage and when they do they start spaming !backup. And Nowadays its almoust inposible to get away from the cops cuz you lose 6, and 2 more joins you lose them then some dude sees your car is almoust undrivable then he takes cop tag and comes whit fresh car after 1 hour running i whoud say thats unfair even tho yes IRL cops whit good condistion cars can join even after 5 hour chase but this is game even if you manage to run for 1 hour or 2-3 hours its just to much woud say for chases when i get in chase as cop/robber i expeckt like 30-60 min fun time after that its just boring or not that fun you just do it to get reward even if that be cash as a cop or biger xp as robber. But this is only my opinion it can be wrong maby people like geting gang bangd whit fresh cop cars every 10 min .

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - BP - 2023-08-25 07:03

Just to clarify RE: post above:
I am not suggesting any change in relation to the number of cops. I am suggesting a performance cap for the cops, if the longest-chasing cop wants it.

This means for example a Konnesig or whatever wouldn't be able to join on a BOLVO, if the longest-chasing cop capped it.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - laurynas683 - 2023-08-25 07:09

(2023-08-25 07:00)Ras Wrote:  A lot of slower cars are really good mods, but you're put off choosing it for chase purposes because cops will always choose a fast car, so they can join on fast suspects, but will not hesitate to join on slower cars as well, and that's how it gets out of balance.

This idea would be really good to have.

all TC needs for cops is cap backup and maby start ranks to mean something like if you just past cop test you can only drive cars that have 100 hp and when you upgrade you can use faster cars and even tho recruit will not catch alot of people they still get xp and if they do they get promoted faster .

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Chuck - 2023-08-25 07:14

A new command that the cop actively needs to opt-in won't work imo as it is more complicated than the normal backup call. Why would someone go for the more complex thing, especially when already under stress in chase?

I could think of a points system:
Idea 1: (Growing points)
Lets say, depending on the suspect, you get backup-points. For example, 1 per second for a slow suspect, 3 for a fast suspect, etc.
And whenever you call backup, the joining cop uses some of the backup points.
So imagine you have collected 100 points and call backup, only a cop worth 100 points or less could join.

Idea 2: (static points)
The number of points would be fixed and set by the type of suspect. The points set the level of cop force that may be in chase at any moment in time.

Example: Suspect FXO = 1000 pts, so you can have 4 cops with each 250pts in the chase at the same time. if 2 cops lose contact, you gain those 500pts back, and a faster car ,i.e. with 500pts, or maybe 2 slower cops may join again.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Dodo - 2023-08-25 08:53

At lot of top tier, well made mods are left in the shadow of faster, easily abusable mods that don't really require skill input to work. I would love to see some balancing for both sides Smile

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Misterviin - 2023-08-25 12:20

Playing cop is pointless these days, everyone just uses some op koenigsegg and it is impossible to catch up to suspect with good old fz5

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - BP - 2023-08-25 12:49

(2023-08-25 12:20)Misterviin Wrote:  Playing cop is pointless these days, everyone just uses some op koenigsegg and it is impossible to catch up to suspect with good old fz5

I don't really understand how this relates to the suggestion though

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Epilogue - 2023-08-25 13:26

Agreed. However I would suggest to create a new command for this function (eg. !support) and leave the !backup command unchanged. Furthermore when used an array of insim buttons should pop up to allow MNK & controller users to have better access to the system as it's extremely dangerous of them to reach out to the keyboard and type.

As for the category of the vehicle type I believe the power to weight ratio can be a general way to categorize performance. Yes downforce and brake ability are huge factors to be considered but once the system is implemented it can always be subjected to change in the future

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Carlos - 2023-08-25 13:40

(2023-08-25 13:26)Epilogue Wrote:  Agreed. However I would suggest to create a new command for this function (eg. !support) and leave the !backup command unchanged.
So what's the point? Nobody would use the new command because a good percentage of cops do it for the money, not for the fun, as mentioned above.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - badmantru - 2023-08-25 14:00

Everyone should just ride motorcycles.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Epilogue - 2023-08-25 14:05

(2023-08-25 13:40)Carlos Wrote:  So what's the point? Nobody would use the new command because a good percentage of cops do it for the money, not for the fun, as mentioned above.
Allow the group of fun-driven cops to use the new function more frequently and spread the idea of fun-oriented traffic and cop concept to the newer players (directed to 2021-ish players) that's already used to the status quo.

imo if you killed the current !backup and replace it with the new system immediately, the situation would not change. People would still use the new function and request backup with OP stats for fear of losing.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - fWANKy - 2023-08-25 14:32

also maybe to only allow normal cars in a normal car chase, nothing worse than getting dominated by op fz5 mods like the fz60 everytime

so like if the suspect is running in fz5 or xrt then only cops in normal lfs cars can join it. way more fair and fun

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Carlos - 2023-08-25 14:50

(2023-08-25 14:32)fWANKy Wrote:  also maybe to only allow normal cars in a normal car chase, nothing worse than getting dominated by op fz5 mods like the fz60 everytime

so like if the suspect is running in fz5 or xrt then only cops in normal lfs cars can join it. way more fair and fun

+1, but that will probably never happen.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - February - 2023-08-25 16:48

Everyone uses op cars against a vehicle for example a fz5 vs a fz60 or a fz5 turbo? or a fz5v8 against a xrt it need's to be simlier performence not 400 against 250 hp etc it makes it unbalanced and i agree like to see this get implemented

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Adorable - 2023-08-25 17:43

Sure, why not.

RE: Ability to cap performance of backup units - Yasen - 2023-08-25 22:22

I've voted Yes,
But I definitely think it's wrong to have additional command for that.
I think it's better to keep it simple as possible for all and for the new players also.

(2023-08-25 07:14)Chuck Wrote:  Idea 2: (Static points)

I like this idea - Points formed relative to the suspects car only.
I can imagine it working like this:

1. If I use Crown Vic as a COP and I chase a sport car like Koenigsegg, all my backup request should be open for all police vehicles/units available at the moment.

2. If I use fast FZ5 as a COP and I chase stock XFG, all my backup request should be open only for units with relative close specs (power and weight) to the suspects car.
Edit: There should be a some of gap with these numbers hp/ton, because imagine the panic COP searching for safe zone to pit and scrolling to find the right car (probably rented) just to join in my chase.

(Exceptions are roadblocks of course)

3. Another exception would be if the suspect is using heavy vehicle (more that 2000kg) as Pickup truck. Then any available COP could help.

Implement something that important have to be well calculated to be fair for all.