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Revocation Appeal - Printable Version

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Revocation Appeal - salman - 2023-11-03 22:44

your lfs username : salmann

time of incident : around 22:00
date of incident : 11.03.2023

I entered the game and started working as a police officer normally. Then I joined the chase. I constantly experienced fps drops and ping increases while playing games. You will soon see the evidence of this. When I joined the chase, the fps drops increased more because more modes were reflected on my screen. I couldn't control the vehicle clearly because of the drops. You already know that when we get a drop, sometimes the buttons detect it and sometimes they don't. At the end of the video, I experienced a fps drop and when my screen returned to normal, I was in the air. When I watched it on the MPR recording, I saw that I hit Nick and the fleeing suspect. I pressed the brakes as soon as the fps drop started, but it didn't help much. I told Nick that this was due to my ping and fps drops, but I think he was angry with me and insisted on not believing me. I wish pings could be seen in the mpr record. Also, once the chase was over, Nick kicked me off the server and when I came back, we talked about it. I told him that I had a ping, while I was saying this, my ping still did not fall below 200 250. He saw this but didn't want to believe me.
You can see other parts where I dropped in the mpr recording.

9.25 - fps drop followed by precautionary braking

9.53 - fps drop and meaningless turning the steering wheel left and right

10.23 - fps drop and then braking when there is no car in front of me and the road is empty (after the fps drop is over, I press the gas to accelerate)

13.25 - fps drop and meaningless shaking of the vehicle's steering wheel left and right

14.55 - fps drop and here my gas button gets stuck and I shift first gear very late

These are just the parts where I remember getting fps drops, there are countless more moments where I didn't get fps drops.

MP Replay : https://www.mediafire.com/file/ndcbzxig59dqyo0/WE1Y_0R.mpr/file

RE: Revocation Appeal - BP - 2023-11-04 07:01

Before this is reviewed, please answer this:

- Who do you think is responsible for your FPS drops - you, or everyone else?
- Do you think it is a sensible idea to continue a chase where you are having (alleged) FPS drops continuously?

RE: Revocation Appeal - salman - 2023-11-04 07:13

FPS drops usually occur for 20 minutes when I enter the game (estimated, I did not calculate) and then go away. I tried many ways to solve this but it didn't work. I know the responsibility is mine. Please use some logic. I didn't start playing on this server yesterday. I've been playing on this server for about 6-7 months. If I had fps drops every time I played, I would be warned for careless driving in every game I played. This is not something that always happens. Please understand me

Status: Management Investigation. Updated by: BP. - BP - 2023-11-04 08:29

This Cop Rights Revocation appeal is being reviewed by [TC] CityDriving Management.
The original admin who revoked your rights may provide additional information. Please be patient, we will reply in due course.

RE: Revocation Appeal - salman - 2023-11-04 11:24

Additionally, I would like to add that I chased the suspects for 2,855 km on this server. I admit it's not a lot, but it's a lot to learn how to do as a cop. Why are you judging me just for this chase? (I'm saying these because Nick told me that the reason I hit him in the game was not because I was lagging but because I was driving poorly) If you can watch my past chases, please watch and judge how I drove.

RE: Revocation Appeal - BP - 2023-11-04 11:42

There is no evidence in the replay of you experiencing any technical difficulty.

The only thing that shows is you clearly and dangerously ignoring the cop 1/cop 2 guidelines and then showing very poor driving ability resulting in a large crash.

Have you taken any personal responsibility yet? Even if you're being truthful and all your mistakes were due to a technical issue on your side, you still have a responsibility to cop in a way which is safe. If what you are saying is true, you ignored at least 5 warning signs that your PC is having a problem.

RE: Revocation Appeal - salman - 2023-11-04 13:37

How did you understand there is no technical difficulty.
I show to my movements during my technical difficulties. But you are determined to not believe me. You can't prove that I drive badly, but I can prove that I'm laggy with my movemets right ?
And ı wrote a sentence on my last reply :
''Why are you judging me just for this chase? (I'm saying these because Nick told me that the reason I hit him in the game was not because I was lagging but because I was driving poorly) If you can watch my past chases, please watch and judge how I drove. ''
If you don't want to bother finding a replay that involves me chasing, I can find it for you and you can decide how I ride.
You also know that in Word, "Police 2 is the police behind Police 1, etc. "The number may change at any time depending on the officer's location relative to the suspect," it reads. After roadblock ı was close to suspect and started follow him as cop2. After that you can see nick pulled up to my bumper and ı give way to him for pass me.
Also look at the safety rating of the person who removed my police rights. His sr is 25 and mine sr is 44 rn. How correct is it for a person who has had more accidents than me to tell me that you drive badly?
I can't believe I'm actually dealing with something like this. I'm trying to convince the admins that I'm lagging. Really annoying

RE: Revocation Appeal - BP - 2023-11-05 07:33


First of all, you have not sufficiently proven any technical difficulty. The replay doesn't show anything. Your insistence that you were late to shift gear or that your steering slightly twitched does not constitute convincing evidence of anything. Further, if you were having problems (which you have made extremely clear is the case), then you demonstrated extremely poor judgement by continuing your involvement in the chase - which then led to problems within the chase.

It is believable that you could have had some FPS drops or stuttering, but I do believe you are heavily exaggerating its involvement. The most likely factor is that you weren't copping safely and can perhaps use some training.

Your inputs immediately prior to the large crash at the end of the replay absolutely do not show any technical difficulty.

As for cop 1 cop 2, you managed to skip over the following Police Guide text preceding the text you quoted:
Quote:You may only overtake another cop within the chase under safe conditions, emergency situations and/or when instructed by the cop you wish to overtake.

At approximately timestamp 15:15 you very dangerously position your vehicle to needlessly overtake other cops in the chase.

You do not need to locate replays where you may be copping within the confines of the rules. You are still a relatively new cop, and the standard of driving shown in the replay is consistent with that fact.

SR is not pertinent to the appeal.

It seems that you could benefit from re-reading the police guide and partaking in training. We also note your reluctance in taking actual responsibility for your copping/driving.

If there's nothing else to add, I will archive this.


RE: Revocation Appeal - salman - 2023-11-05 09:43

Fps drops can occur at any time. Nobody knows when it might happen, right? I was experiencing fps drops there, but I believed it would pass over time and that's why I joined the chase.
As for exaggeration, a fps drop caused my police rights to be revoked, don't you think I should exaggerate? Smile
You know this in the entrances before the big collapse, everyone intervenes to stop the suspect, even the vcu does this, I don't think there is anything absurd here.
If we watch the overall chase, I don't see anything other than passing other cops at the lights. The reason for this is that if I had gone on the normal road, I would have had to brake extra, my speed would have slowed down excessively, and the distance between me and the chase would have increased. Also, while I was doing that overtaking, there was Leon in front of me, at first I was hesitant to do that overtaking, then when I saw what Leon was doing, I did it too.
Isn't Leon an admin? If Leon is doing this, it means there is no problem and there is no need to express it too much.
If you take the police overtaking the chase so seriously, please watch only the police in the game for a day, I'm sure at least 5 police officers will be taken away from the police.
I still don't understand, the chase lasted a maximum of 1 minute, my police job will be taken away from me, what could I have done?
With your permission, let me tell you about the chase again:
14.50 - 15.15 = We set up a roadblock with Ras and waited for the chase to end.
15.15 = As you mentioned, I overtook and as I mentioned, there was Leon in front of me, no dangerous situation occurred, the motorcyclist in the lane must have already seen Leon and slowed down.
15.15-15.30 = Leon, me and Nick are coming side by side. Since my car starts faster than the others, I take the lead. If I had braked there, it could have been bad for the police behind.
15.25 = Nick pulls up to my rear bumper and I move out of the way to let him pass.
15.30-15.50 = no exaggerated contact, I just get in front of the vehicle and make light touches on the rear bumper and this does not even affect the vehicle.
After 15.50 = big collapse and accident

You are telling me that I acted dangerously. The only dangerous move here is that we overtook other police officers "WITH LEON" at 15.15.
If this has an impact on my police license being removed, I want action to be taken against Leon. I don't want anyone to be processed in vain, so I would be very happy if you accept my revocation appeal.

RE: Revocation Appeal - BP - 2023-11-05 13:19

Let's deal with one of your complaints at a time.

The decision for your appeal:
- In this case, basic training will no longer be necessary. However, it is still recommended.
- Your licence revocation will remain. You must pass the [TC] World licence test. This will be available to you from 18 November.

If you would like to raise a report against an admin, please either forum PM me or submit a report in the User Reports section. In either instance, please use the User Reporting template. If you choose to do this, please focus solely on the report and refrain from discussing this appeal any further.


RE: Revocation Appeal - salman - 2023-11-05 13:55

Okay, I won't discuss further, but I have one last request.
Can we reduce the time I have to wait to take the test again from 2 weeks to 1 week?

RE: Revocation Appeal - BP - 2023-11-05 14:38
