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+ report dark314 unfair advantage during chase (Report Archived by Dale) - Printable Version

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+ report dark314 unfair advantage during chase (Report Archived by Dale) - Felipe Jardim - 2024-02-06 22:45

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:[od]jardim

Their LFS Username(s):dark314 (person being reported) sametttpe (second victim)
Their In-game Nickname(s):dark314, [6s]Samet[cop]

Incident Information

Date of Incident: Feb 5 2024
Time of Incident: around 17:44

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
After entering big carpark area (3:28:19) dark314 proceeded to jump a barrier gaining an unfair advantage (3:28:42) then after realizing the advantage gained, he performed a U turn (3:28:50)

Sorry for long MPR, but the times are accurate. He said sorry, but I saved replay anyway in hopes to show administration that this could be solved by doubling up on the barrier height there to prevent this.

I wasn't going to report him, but he performed the same stunt again in another chase with sametttpe, so you know his "sorry" was insincere. The second replay shows this at 2:19:00 where he attempted the same maneuver but failed miserably.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vfe7IbgyHOwlsTy_J6awkZHCsgZnNPj9/view?usp=sharing (1ST replay)

https://www.mediafire.com/file/bb65lxmqv32fivg/dark+unfair+2.mpr/file (second replay)

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Dale. - Dale - 2024-02-07 17:04

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: report dark314 unfair advantage during chase - Dale - 2024-02-07 17:43

Thanks for the report.

I watched the replays and this goes against Rule "3.11. Stunts & Stunt Areas"

As such I'm giving this user a warning.


Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.