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+ Report: KoleS799/KoleS (Report Archived by Frozen) - Printable Version

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+ Report: KoleS799/KoleS (Report Archived by Frozen) - Matt - 2024-02-19 17:18

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:MattsterGT

Their LFS Username(s): KoleS799
Their In-game Nickname(s): KoleS

Incident Information

Date of Incident:17/2/2024
Time of Incident:18:17 GMT

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
37:07 - Zuzek (driving with Koles) - wrong way and drifting, spotted in mirror during traffic stop. I leave my traffic stop and chase him shortly after, but he decides to run.
37:44 - Koles turns around (back towards where I've stopped Zuzek)
37:55 - Zuzek (failing to stop) drives past Koles, who U-Turns again immediately.
38:09 - Koles follows chase
38:20 - as we're slowing for the corner, he's still wide open throttle
38:22 - 100mph into my rear quarter, almost rolling the car.
38:35 - swerves at me overtaking him, having just full speed rammed me.
40:41 - I ask KoleS if he's read the rules - no reply
41:18 - I ask again - he replies 'y' (yes)
41:32 - asked if he's aware of rule 1.5 (and later 1.2)
41:43 - "sorry mate I have lag and hit you"
42:10 - he seemingly denies any wrongdoing after I say I don't believe him.
42:50 - handbrake turn in front of me in the pits, beeping - trying to provoke?

User claims to have read the rules, but shows clear disregard for them.

Quick footnote, Luke was online at the time but asked me to forum report owing to him being occupied helping new players.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IMAQ2yRmcKrJC4_lHNd1a2ncy9rrRQcd/view?usp=sharing

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Frozen. - Frozen - 2024-02-19 18:10

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.


Despite him confirming he had read the rules, he (and his friend) are pretty new to the server. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for just this one time, if this or anything similar occurs again he'll recevie a much harsher punishment.

KoleS799 has been given a stern confirmable warning.

- Frozen

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.