[TC] Gaming Forums
Unban request (Ban Expired) - Printable Version

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Unban request (Ban Expired) - Jesus Adrian - 2024-06-29 23:44

Your LFS Username:Rousseau

Time & Date of Incident:29/06/2024

Replay / Screenshot Link:
Replay Timestamps:

Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
Well it was my first day on the server, and when I entered I accidentally bumped into everyone because I didn't know how to drive, I didn't know the map, and I didn't know the rules well, but now I know more about what the rules are like and how to play.

Administrator Message by: Frozen

Removed "Archived" tag from your thread.

Status: Pending Investigation. Updated by Frozen. - Frozen - 2024-06-30 10:37

The administrator who originally issued your ban has been notified
Please be patient whilst this request is reviewed.

Whilst the admin who banned you has been notified I want to inform you that this is a 1 day ban. The reason of the ban is ramming, as you already described yourself. Considering the ban will expire in less than 9 hours, it may be better to wait until you're unbanned.

It may be a good thing to take a serious look at our rules and our manual while you wait for the ban to be over.

- Frozen

Status: Completed. Updated by Frozen. - Frozen - 2024-06-30 19:55

Your ban has now expired
Please ensure you read our rules prior to your return to our servers.