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Conduct in private chats - Printable Version

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Conduct in private chats - Chuck - 2024-07-23 11:20


there has been an issue building up over the last months we really need to address. It's about the manners and behaviour within private chats. Some people seem to think that there are no rules, but they couldn't be more wrong.

To recap, these are our chat related rules:

Quote:1.7 Use proper language at all times.
1.7.a Swearing, insults, racism, abuse and otherwise offensive language is not tolerated in our servers.
1.7.b Insulting gestures (ie "middle finger") or graphical characters will be treated like written in plain text. That includes the use of substitution characters in swearwords.
1.7.c Please be advised that racism in particular is very harshly looked upon.
1.7.d Note: The most serious swearwords are auto-fined by the system, but this is only a warning. You may still get banned in case of repeated violations.

These rules clearly state how we expect people to behave, and you can also see, there are no exceptions for private chats, e.g. channel chats, local chats, private messages or what language was used.

As the contents of such conversations are not directly seen by our admins, there's usually no immediate reaction to expect, which may have misled some people into thinking they can do whatever they want there. But that is, as mentioned above, wrong.

We can and will take action if we've become aware of people misbehaving. If necessary, we will take away users' ability to access these channels or remove these players completely.

It's up to you.

So long, stay friendly.