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+ kaan cop rule violations (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Printable Version

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+ kaan cop rule violations (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Sirac - 2024-08-25 17:49

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: Sirac.54_

Their LFS Username(s): kaan2300m
Their In-game Nickname(s): 'kaan [COP]

Incident Information

Date of Incident: 25.8.2024
Time of Incident: 20:00 (Turkey times)

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
52.28.99-He causes an accident to the user named BertoneTurbo by driving recklessly.
54.21.05-It starts here and does lightbar-less policing until the end of the record.
54.54.49-Chasing someone without a lightbar.
55.28.00-to take a very dangerous wrong turn.
55.46.37-He closes the road, gives a ticket to someone and causes an accident to the user named snax.
59.31.98-Before the 45 seconds are up. Hitting the offender and not apologizing. jumping onto the road and causing an accident with BertoneTurbo. they should let me through but they don't. it hits me for no reason and I hit the snax and the chase is over. First I send a ? and when I don't get a response I tag him and write yes? He writes back "no" without any apology.
Kaan looks like a new cop. There was a forum topic before about him going through a red light.

Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages: After the incidents, I connected to the Turkey channel and asked him why he hit me. He claimed that he didn't hit me and said, "If you're chasing me, then I'm chasing you."
And when I first asked him a question, he responded by saying "ya amk", which is a swear word.
Hours for channel logs: between 17.07 and 17.10 UTC date: 25.8.2024


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://www.mediafire.com/file/a9z5if7y8dtquwv/kaancop.mpr/file


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? I confirm.

"If you're chasing me, then I'm chasing you." wrong message
correction: "I was in chase while you were in chase," he said.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Wilczek. - Wilczek - 2024-08-25 23:17

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: kaan cop rule violations - Sirac - 2024-08-26 12:44

I wanted to add an incident that happened a while ago, Kaan started a fight on the Türkiye channel by saying "realistadam velet amk" and then he was insulted and sworn at.

between 12.15-12.25 UTC 26.8.2024

Some images of the incident:https://www.mediafire.com/folder/2z761wr3288z6/channels

12.45 UTC 26.8.2024 "its my name is kaan emir benim yarramı yesin" he says
Some images of the incident:https://www.mediafire.com/file/64tu5uj0aqbx42e/LFS_2024-08-26_15-46-04-391.avi/file

RE: kaan cop rule violations - Wilczek - 2024-08-26 21:48

MPR Notes

Quote:52.28.99-He causes an accident to the user named BertoneTurbo by driving recklessly.
Kaan apologized for this, so I'm not going to take any action.

Quote:54.21.05-It starts here and does lightbar-less policing until the end of the record.
54.54.49-Chasing someone without a lightbar.
Kaan indeed doesn't have a lightbar on their COP car. They keep copping without a lightbar for the rest of the replay.

Quote:55.28.00-to take a very dangerous wrong turn.
Kaan didn't notice his suspect stopping at the start of the pitlane and drove past. When they realized, they began reversing. This was dangerous, but barely disturbed traffic and didn't break any rules here.

Quote:55.46.37-He closes the road, gives a ticket to someone and causes an accident to the user named snax.
Both users are at fault here.
Kaan: Doing a traffic stop being parked in a dangerous spot,
Snax: Ignoring the traffic stop sign, and smashing into it at full speed.
Snax apologized for this and Kaan didn't break any rules, so no action will be taken on this one.

Quote:59.31.98-Before the 45 seconds are up. Hitting the offender and not apologizing.
I'm sure their suspect didn't "fail to stop" yet, so contact was not allowed. No apology.

Quote: jumping onto the road and causing an accident with BertoneTurbo.
Kaan apologized. No action will be taken for this.

Quote: they should let me through but they don't.
Quote: it hits me for no reason and I hit the snax and the chase is over. First I send a ? and when I don't get a response I tag him and write yes? He writes back "no" without any apology.

Kaan should have let you pass here. 8 seconds later, Kaan hit you because they lost control. I don't feel that any action here is necessary.

Later in the replay, Kaan rear ended a bus - another case of losing control. No apology.


I will give Kaan (kaan2300m) a warning for breaking the following rules:
  • 1.1: Respect other players, (in private channels too)
  • 1.7: Use proper language at all times, (in this case, in private channels as well)
  • 4.11.a: Cops must use a vehicle configuration with highly visible lights (e.g., strobe bar or light beacon), with a suitable colour (blue or red),
  • 5.3.a: Force may only be used if the suspect has failed to stop.

Also, I will add a note to his warning about the timestamps explained above: 55.46.37 &

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.