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Ever gotten annoyed at your phone company? - Printable Version

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Ever gotten annoyed at your phone company? - Jedi - 2012-08-07 08:09

Read this in the norwegian news and had to laugh, ive had this kind of calls from salespersons of the phone company trying to get you to buy more expensive plan, or when ive cancelled my subscription they call and ask if i want a "very cheap" plan as a reward to stay with them.

This is translated through google translator so it might look funny:

Translated by Google:
Hello! Where to apply for this position as a customer service representative with you? I think I'm perfect for the post Smile

I'm rambling, slow and rude - hardly understand Norwegian, and has an inner salesperson impose on existing customers more expensive solutions they want, and can also throw down the phone if I can not answer the customer questions.

I almost never respond by email, and if I do I take with lots of spelling mistakes, and avoiding to answer the customer questions. In short, I have all it takes for their customers (like me, my mother - and now my aunt, who was told that she was stupid when she resigned with you) to choose alternative solutions!

I'm probably perfect for the position - and often begins in the morning (do not show up mind you, but then my future colleagues use it as an excuse for those customers who have stood 20 minutes in telephone and heard the awful music on his own account ). Looking forward to start already! "

He had posted this on their facebook page and it had 44.000 likes and 1300 comments by the time they removed it.
Original article: