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Unban request petsu (Unban Request Denied by Sinoco) - Printable Version

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Unban request petsu (Unban Request Denied by Sinoco) - Petsu - 2012-10-17 12:06

● Your LFS Username: Verke

● Time & Date of Incident: 17.10.2012 about 14.50

● Replay / Screenshot Link:
● Replay Timestamps:

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
I was outside training my dog for 15-20mins, and between that time i was banned. I checked the chatlog, and i saw reason: Banned due to request of another admin..

I would love to know the reason why i am banned Smile

EDIT: Oh i found the reason is ramming. When? IMO i have always said sorry, if i have rammed, and if it has been awful and bad ram, paid the compensation.

Unban request petsu - Kayla - 2012-10-17 12:24

The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly

RE: Unban request petsu - Sinoco - 2012-10-17 15:08

Ok look, I talked to you yesterday about the ramming. You and muhvo were ramming Dowpy over and over again. I kicked him, and then it looked like you might have been towing Dowpy, so I watched you for a bit trying to get you to stop. You kept on hitting him until you finally stopped. I got you to stop so I continue with the chase I was in, and then when I finished I checked the replay and then I saw the whole thing.

Replay with a few timestamps: http://www.mediafire.com/?wd656ll6sdd5xdc

33:53 - Could be an innocent tow, no real problem with that, though the chat in the next minute shows that is probably not a tow as you say "thats what you get for killing me with rune 2h" and "noob".
34:47 - As Dowpy is driving away you drive and ram him in the side, you keep pushing him for a while.
35:05 - You ram him again...
35:17 - Again... this time you guys hit another user. Dowpy ends up flipping over.
For the next few minutes you guys try to flip him back over, which is all okay in it of itself.
36:15 - You ram muhvo causing you both to go flying.
36:25 - The first time I actually saw you ram Dowpy after I started speccing, I say "Oh c'mon" as I had just kicked muhvo for hitting Dowpy, I didn't expect you to do it again, you say "what sinoco" like you did nothing wrong.

Even after I told you to stop, you continued ramming him a few minutes later if you continue watching the replay... so I don't have much sympathy. Now do you understand why you are banned?

RE: Unban request petsu - Petsu - 2012-10-17 16:00

Heh, im veeeeery good friend with Dowpy(his real name is lowpy, looool) and thats thing between us Biggrin I just spoke with him on skype and he told me to post, that its okay! You can PM him here(forum) if you dont believe me Smile The thing is harmless, and we are trying our best not to harm people not involved in our little "thing" called friendship. He will also post here if you want it, to prove that it is 100% harmless, and he doesnt mind it at all. Actually he teased me also when i had my little LX6!!!!!!

So i hope you understand, that it was just us having fun, not ramming (well i was ramming him, but with friendly intentions Smile )

EDIT: And no, i wouldnt NEVER ram anyone on purpose, if he/she doesnt allow me to do it.

RE: Unban request petsu - Sinoco - 2012-10-17 16:36

It does not matter whether or not the ramming is fun or not. There are servers dedicated to crashing and ramming, so why you need to do it on ours, I haven't the slightest idea. It is rule 1.2: "Do not crash or ram other cars deliberately." You have been banned for it in the past, so I do not understand why you would think that we tolerate this sort of behaviour.

RE: Unban request petsu - Petsu - 2012-10-17 19:11

Whats the problem if its okay with me and dowpy? I dont get it..

How this works in real life: If you insult someone, and cops sees it. He asks the attacked guy if he wants to take any actions against the puncher. If not, the cops let it go.

I just dont really get it. Every rule isnt written on stone, if they were, we all would be in biiiig trouble, WE ALL.

Yes, there is other servers to do that? But all my friends are playing at TC, i cant order them all to come chat with me to another server, if i want to chat with them also, can i?

Why cant this just be let go? It is really okay with Dowpy, and no harm was made to ANYONE(Or i dont know if you were insulted from this..)

Rules are always rules, but you cant never obey them 100%. Not in real-life, not in internet, its a fact you should understand.

Ps. im not trying to be offensive Smile Just my point of view

RE: Unban request petsu - Sinoco - 2012-10-17 19:37

Just because some rules can be broken does not mean all rules can be broken... sure we will let some innocent name-calling slide, but some offences are more serious than other offenses. You are equating ramming to verbal abuse in real life, where no connection exists. I'm going to deny your unban request. You know very well that you are not allowed to do this on our servers.

Unban Request Denied