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- User Report : adorain14 (Archived by BoyPower) - Printable Version

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- User Report : adorain14 (Archived by BoyPower) - Dan - 2012-12-25 16:51

● Your LFS Username: danielp1997

● Their LFS Username(s): adorain14
● Their LFS GameName(s): •Ado

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qv1yl3ifd56siuy
● Replay Timestamps:

10:41 Spectate user from here

11:03 User "barges" his way past me

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)

The user just comes through me, pushing me out the way so he can get past, no sorry at all. I was also leaving the pits on Sydney and he just rams me for about 8 seconds (although no replay). Again, no sorry.

User Report : adorain14 - BP - 2012-12-25 18:04

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: User Report : adorain14 - BP - 2012-12-25 19:00

Okay, he does barge past you (albeit you were in the wrong lane on the Autobahn) but he had no right to barge past you. However, he did apologise, you can see that if you re-check your replay.

As for what happened in Sydney, I can't take action if there is no replay supplied.

I'm not going to take action today because he said sorry after barging past you, yet it seemed like it could have been intentional. If I see him in-game I'll talk to him and keep an eye on him.

Thanks for your report.
~ TC

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.