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Cop radar and money % - Printable Version

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Cop radar and money % - Giorgi Tevzadze - 2012-12-26 00:26

1) I think cop should have radar what take not only front but also back 2. If you are cop and drive highway 120 and someone coming back you 240km/h you see it on map ,you see it on mirror with you own eyes but you cant do nothing because he was not catched on radar. i know even some real police cars have radar what take in front and other radar back (1km) about . Then its nice right now people playing with cop because they know cop cant to nothing even when they see brutal speeding but they cant to nothing about if you are you own lane. Its just sugesstion Smile (Works only then when u have rear view press R or some other button)

2) I was not saw it but i am sure someone has asking that maybe also. Do some "bank" or smthing where you hold cash and when you hold it on "bank" then intress coming. Not much but little bit ( 1% ) and only then when you are on server and drive not parking or afc.

just 2 ideas sry when someone have asked these things before Biggrin

RE: Hi - Josh - 2012-12-26 00:40

Mind making an informative thread title?

1. - http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=4931

RE: Cop radar and money % - Giorgi Tevzadze - 2012-12-26 00:47

Hehe orange think same like me . I was not saw it before then i make this thread . But okei Smile