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What the.. - Printable Version

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What the.. - Blade3562 - 2013-04-09 17:08

This read is a great laugh, wait til you get to the related incidents list of kids being suspended for playing cops and robbers!

Quote:Police Confiscate Man’s Guns Over Son’s Water Pistol Threat
Latest example of anti-Second Amendment hysteria reaches new level of absurdity
Paul Joseph Watson
April 9, 2013
In the latest example of anti-gun hysteria, police in New York State confiscated a man’s firearms and revoked his pistol license after his son threatened to use a water pistol against bullies who had taunted his friends at school.
Commack resident John Mayer is now pursuing legal action after Suffolk County Police visited his home and threatened to embarrass him in front of his neighbors before confiscating Mayer’s handguns and rifles, firearms worth around $6,500 dollars.
Mayer also had his pistol license revoked and was told it would only be restored when his son reaches 18 years of age and moves out of the home.
The police visit stemmed from a March 1 incident at Pines Elementary school in Hauppauge. Mayer’s 10-year-old son discovered that some of his friends had been bullied by other boys and there had been a scuffle on the schoolyard. Mayer’s son discussed a plan with two other boys to bring a water pistol, a paintball gun and a BB gun to the home of the bullies involved in the incident.
Despite the fact that the boys involved do not even own any of the guns mentioned, when the school principle found out about the conversation he suspended Mayer’s son for two days and filed a police report.
“What the school did was atrocious,” Mayer’s lawyer, James Murtha told the Hauppauge Patch. “He’s a good kid, who has been discriminated against severely by the school district.”
A few days later, Mayer received a call from the pistol licensing office informing him that his pistol license had been revoked and that police would visit his home to confiscate his weapons.
“I attempted to explain that this must be a mistake, no wrong doing occurred on my part. My son has no access to any of my guns. The officer that came to my residence saw that all my guns were secured. Pistol Licensing was not interested in my side of the story. They were only interested in what happened with my 10-year-old son in school,” said Mayer.
According to Mayer, he was harassed by police who also threatened to interrogate his 10-year-old son without Mayer’s permission.
Suffolk County Police and the Hauppauge Public School District have refused to comment on the matter besides releasing glib statements.
Mayer is now pressing charges against both Suffolk County Police and Hauppauge School District in federal court.


RE: What the.. - Roba - 2013-04-09 18:28

This is what guns get you. One mistake by someone else and you have to fight on the federal court. Sounds fun, buy expensive guns, never have use of them, police takes them away, go to court and fight for it suing everyone.

Other than that kinda funny story.

RE: What the.. - Cola - 2013-04-09 20:11

I bet if TC was hosted in the US, we'd all be imprisoned by now.

RE: What the.. - Leon - 2013-04-11 22:53

Blade, we won't go pro-gun, so please stop trying to convince us that our norms are wrong and all of us should wield firearms. It won't work since we generally aren't fans of shooting each other.

What gun fanatics' magazine/website do you get this crap from anyway? The articles you keep quoting and linking to are biased on a religious level.

RE: What the.. - Blade3562 - 2013-04-11 23:03

This has nothing to do with firearms, rather stupid people. Clearly people saw the humor. I'd be in prison for life if I lived there. We had watergun fights in school for crying out loud lol.

All the sources I use references to credible sources/references. Most stories like this appear in this thing called a newspaper that arrives on my doorstep daily. "The Plain Dealer" and "The New York Times" so you don't question what I read too.

This post is about a funny news article and nothing more. End of Story.

This condescending tone is unacceptable from any person, especially a TC member.

RE: What the.. - Pipa - 2013-04-12 00:01

oxford dictionary Wrote:Definition of propaganda
1 [mass noun] information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view:
he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda


Even "Fox News" would have more objectivity.


RE: What the.. - Blade3562 - 2013-04-12 00:36

You guys are bringing unrelated topics into a thread about a comical news article where a man lost his collection because of his sons toy threat.

Just read an article and not between the lines. We actually talked about this topic in class today.

RE: What the.. - Stephen - 2013-04-12 02:41

what the truck

RE: What the.. - Roba - 2013-04-12 09:20

Well, in america everything's related to guns, so we can't blame him, lol.

You *could* think twice what you post though, as you see, most of us have different view of things than you do.