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Biggi (Unban Request Granted by Mikee) - Printable Version

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Biggi (Unban Request Granted by Mikee) - Biggi - 2013-04-10 21:13

● Your LFS Username:[DIH]Grilla

● Time & Date of Incident -

● Replay / Screenshot Link: -
● Replay Timestamps: -

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: Well Cause of raciam which it was kinda but it was miss typed - and understood
Reborn had black in his name and I was telling him it was ugly, and then he changed his name in all caps and I said it looked ugly like the black do and I meant black did. I was not trying to be racisted I've learnt my lesson from that before which is why I said sorry to everyone when I noticed.

Biggi - Savy - 2013-04-10 21:18

The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly

RE: Biggi - Biggi - 2013-04-10 21:23

Alright thanks bro :)Btw I has Asperger syndrome and not everything I say comes out right you can ask anyone on skype about that they laugh at me for it all the time.

RE: Biggi - Mikee - 2013-04-10 21:33

Hello, you were banned for saying:

[DIH]Grilla - Scott : Reborn don't use all caps they look ulgy like the blacks do.

You can CLEARLY see that you say this in a racist context and no way means the colour. You only noticed once I informed you on the server.

You were previously banned for entering the server with a racist name which you got unbanned for and it looks like you have failed to learn from this.

RE: Biggi - Biggi - 2013-04-10 21:44

No I learnt from that. I didn't mean it how it came out yes I know it sounded racist but I didn't read it back to me. Reborn had a black name before and I told him it looked ugly. I have black friends and they understand not all the things I say come out how they are meant and they seem to understand that.
If I had have meant it I would not have said sorry.

RE: Biggi - Mikee - 2013-04-10 21:52

I will think about this and reply back tomorrow.

RE: Biggi - Biggi - 2013-04-10 21:56

Alright then bro sorry about this Smile
This is what it was meant to have said:
Reborn don't use all caps they look ugly like the black names do.
Sorry to all again Smile

RE: Biggi - Pete - 2013-04-11 12:21

If that is true Biggi then it might be worth reading over your messages before posting them in future because that's actually quite a long way from what you wrote...

RE: Biggi - Biggi - 2013-04-11 12:29

Agreed, but don't you ever type and talk to someone and think that you have put something and havn't or started typing what you want to say to them. Not that I am trying to make excuses but I've said sorry for my mistake once I was informed about it.

RE: Biggi - Mikee - 2013-04-11 18:10

You will be unbanned, however if you are caught be racist again or anything remotely near it, you will be banned again for a year WITHOUT the chance to be unbanned

Unban Request Granted.

You will be unbanned shortly.