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Basic Training - Siili - Printable Version

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Basic Training - Siili - siili - 2013-05-26 09:42

LFS Username: Siili
Nickname: DFTSiili
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No): Yes
Notes (e.g times free/language): weekends 12-20 on week 15-19 UTC+2/GMT+2 Finnish or English

RE: Basic Training - Siili - Ace - 2013-05-27 16:08

Hey Siili,

you have failed the basic training 3 times in the past. Now your open Application need to be discussed within the TC Training Managment. Please be patient, this may take a few days.

~Moved to Pending Basic Training!

RE: Basic Training - Siili - siili - 2013-06-02 08:45

I have waiten like 6 days now.
I feel like you are forgotten my application, cant undestrand is it so hard to say can i make training or not? It really takes like week?

RE: Basic Training - Siili - Saphira - 2013-06-02 11:37

Please be patient, we shall get back to shortly about your Basic Training. If it takes a week or more then this is how it shall be, we dont discuss things quickly and make wrong decisions.

[TC] Training Team Management

RE: Basic Training - Siili - siili - 2013-06-17 17:29

I have waited almost month, does it really take this much time?

RE: Basic Training - Siili - KaraK - 2013-06-17 18:03

None of us have seen you online enough to make a proper decision.
You haven't even visited TC in 15 days.

You have waited for 3 weeks and 2 days.
Take the 15 days off of that, and you have been active for 8 days during this wait. (7 days even, counting from the day Ace posted)

If you would like us to make a good decision, you will need to put more effort into this and get active so we can make a proper judgement.

On behalf of the TC Training Team Management,

RE: Basic Training - Siili - KaraK - 2013-07-07 19:40

I will be archiving this since you have not been on the TC servers in 35 days and I have not had a reply on my last post.
Please PM any of the Lead Trainers regarding your cop rights when you decide to become active again.
