+ Cop ramming (Report Archived by Wilczek)
2024-10-03, 02:09
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-03 02:10 by QQQ.)
Post: #1
+ Cop ramming (Report Archived by Wilczek)
Users Involved
Your LFS Username: posyda Their LFS Username(s): luanlk123 Their In-game Nickname(s): ®Lszim® [COP] Incident Information Date of Incident: 2024/10/3 Time of Incident: 2:47:06AM GMT3:00+ Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): 12:00 - at there he started the chase ( cause speeding ) 12:20 - not even in chase and boom a ram while he had a way to slow down cause i literally went 0 km/h , after that he kept blocking me and doing some things you shouldn't do as in before chase 14:12 - i tried to go to the correct lane but he kept pushing me to the wrong lane and after that he kept blocking me with a door pit. 15:31 - he pushed me into the roadblock intentionally and i got damaged decently from it. 17:22 - he rear ended me wich caused my front-left suspenion lwr shocks to go dead , after the rear-end he kept ramming me to the roadblocks which did indeed damage my car 18:16 - same pattern to push me to the wall 18:28 - i was CLEARLY slow and didn't need any of that BIG ram i got from him , even people in server saw the ram ( Emir''99 : nice ram ). 18:35 - another lag-ram which made it 10x stronger , and after i got into road rammed me again 20:43 - in there i tried to swerve little bit but due to my knobbly hot tires made it strong and after that he rage rammed me hard 20:53 - another rage strong ram going full speed , after i backed off he rammed me again to the roadblocks 21:07 - due to his bad vision ( didn't check map ) he almostly killed uf1 there which was going WW because of the police and i blocking the right lane . 21:34 - another rear end 21:43 - to clarify this was small hit but due to his laggy connection seemed like i hit him at 200km/h or smth , even said sorry cause i've seen how he backed off from that small hit . 21:49 - even the fact i said sorry and he knows hes a laggy cop and its his internet problem he went FULL SPEED and rear ended me which made my LWR shocks Dead and huge suspension damage. 21:59 - he tried to ram me but i backed off fastly before he did. 23:22 - he rear ended me here again. 23:30 - he went as fastest he could to push me into the barrier , which made my right supsensions to get heavily damaged 23:37 - he seemed to not learn enough from his past rams and ALMOSTLY flipped my over by side ramming me into the barrier which cause heavy damaged also to my suspensions. 24:29 - a brutal ram just to say a full speed rear end into the barrier causing my suspensions to be done , even after that ram he insisted to continue on. 24:42 - full ram caused me to fly , also heavy damaged my car. 25:13 due to his poor car control , and also karma his Clutch temps were as high as it gets and can't continue the chase cause his car broke down , so after that i knew his ct was done so i just made u-turn and i won against a rammer cop . notice : NON of these rams were needed because 1 - i was driving a way slower car ( original XRT RWD , and he was using modded FZ5 TURBO AWD ) 2 - i was on knobblys and even xfg normal road can get me 3 - i wasn't really ramming him forcefully to get rammed that much , in the end this guy needs strong cop training for car control also a penalty for the strong rams cause this is not his first time with me hey have done it with jardim after my chase but its up to him if he wanted to open a report on him or not. Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages: theres no reaction , he wasn't english speaking and even tho i tried to talk to him in game he just kept accelerating and ramming me Evidence MPR file uploaded check attachments , if not working : https://easyupload.io/jnvozj Replay / Screenshot Link(s): MPR file uploaded check attachments Confirmation Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? Yes |
2024-10-03, 10:25
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-03 10:27 by Wilczek.)
Post: #2
Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Wilczek.
Please could you re-upload your evidence to one of the listed sites here: https://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthr...?tid=20150 The sites listed in that thread are confirmed to be safe. |
2024-10-03, 21:35
Post: #3
RE: Cop ramming
https://uploadir.com/91291/yZFT5rJoqd - new link
2024-10-03, 22:35
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-03 22:35 by Wilczek.)
Post: #4
RE: Cop ramming
Thank you.
This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly. |
2024-10-04, 17:59
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-04 18:02 by Dino.)
Post: #5
+ Cop ramming (Report Archived by Wilczek)
Users Involved
Your LFS Username: hsvdin0 Their LFS Username(s): luanlk123 Their In-game Nickname(s):®Lszim® [COP] - Incident Information Date of Incident: 4th October 2024 Time of Incident: 17:53 replay time Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): little Rams at 1:05, 1:09, 1:19, 2:06, 2:09 3:27 ram 3:30 ram Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages: I tried talking to him about severals rams without sorry and the reason for the high fine but he does not reply. Basically his copping is horrible all day long (and yesterday aswell). I understand he might be new but we really can't go through every rule with him step by step since he breaks pretty much everything (No lights during chase, using TC skin earlier, not understanding parking fine etc etc.) Not even Dino cop tutorials will help in such cases. Please fix Tslm. Evidence Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://uploadir.com/91317/l9lFlWay7o Confirmation Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? Yes |
2024-10-04, 20:14
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-04 20:26 by Wilczek.)
Post: #6
+ Cop ramming (Report Archived by Wilczek)
This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly. Threads have been merged due to both reports being similar. |
2024-10-05, 09:02
(This post was last modified: 2024-10-05 09:05 by Wilczek.)
Post: #7
RE: Cop ramming
After reviewing both replays, it's clear that luanlk123 is having issues in many areas of copping. Poor car control, excessive force, lots of unnecessary hits. Especially the replay provided by QQQ (posyda) shows that by the end of the chase, both cars (suspect and cop) were very damaged. Therefore, luanlk123's COP rights and license will be revoked. That means this player has to re-pass the license test after 14 days and complete Basic Training before they can cop again on our servers. Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives. |
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