[TC] Gaming Forums

Full Version: Skin Approval Information [READ BEFORE POSTING]
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For organisation purposes, skin approvals are now dealt with in a forum. If you want to get your skin (or skins) approved, then please make a new thread.

  • Skin approvals can be for [COP], [MED], [RES] or [TOW] skins,
  • Do not make a thread if your skin clearly conforms to the standards required. This forum is only intended for cases where you are not sure,
  • In some cases, a private discussion amongst [TC] Members will take place - please be patient,
  • You are only allowed one skin per thread. If you have multiple skins that need to be approved, make one for each,
  • If the skins(s) in the thread meet the respective standards, the skin will be approved immediately and the thread will be placed into the archive,
  • If the skin(s) in the thread do not meet the respective standards, you will be given feedback on how to get it to an acceptable level. Inactive threads will be archived after a while.
  • Please review the skin rules here:

Place to upload replays / screenshots: http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthre...?tid=20150


~ [TC] CityDriving
Updated OP with "Sites to upload image files".
Copied from the User Report information thread.
Rule Update: You are now only allowed to post one skin per thread.

OP Wrote:You are only allowed one skin per thread. If you have multiple skins that need to be approved, make one for each
Reference URL's