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Full Version: + Dino constantly ramming and disrupting others' gameplay (Report Archived by Gaz)
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Users Involved

Your LFS Username: CyanOnur

Their LFS Username(s): hsvdin0
Their In-game Nickname(s): SALMAN ibn Abd alAziz

Incident Information

Date of Incident: 29/03/2020
Time of Incident: Timestamps took place over 13:13-13:30 UTC+3

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):

5:24 Messing with Angel
6:23 Takes position at turn 1
6:35 Hits Marmara with a fence
7:00 Misses R-woud93, hits Carl Gustav
7:25 Hits Wild Rabbit
7:58 Hits me while I'm in a chase with qRunt
8:33 Hits Capt
8:40 Hits username Leightondrifting
9:00 Hits Kentwolf
9:25 Hits qRunt (my suspect) again
9:38 Hits Adrian
10:05 Hits Carl Gustav
10:27 Hits Capt
10:49 Hits Marmara, he talks to him afterwards
11:00 Hits me
11:20 Hits ytseJan
11:55 Hits Leightondrifting
12:03 Hits Raif, ytseJan also speaks up
12:20 Hits Carl Gustav, he shows his outrage as well, ytseJan asks Ash to look
13:25 Hits Marmara, he mentions Ash
14:00 I get a bunch of fences my way
17:02 Chases down Adamo and rams him
17:30 I start talking to him
18:20 Keeps chasing Adamo, seems to be disregarding my messages

Dino has constantly disrupted other cruisers, without care of roles or ranks over the past 15-odd minutes. The recurring theme was hitting people with fences. Although a minor offence, the problem is that it was repeated over and over, without any care of chases or TC members passing by. There are also some rams in between the replay, which I believe, are not warranted. The rules disallow ramming, without caring for banter, consent or offenders/victims, and TC members have always taken action faithful to every word of the aforementioned rule. And I believe that Dino is no exception. Throwing fences at people may not be explicitly prohibited by the rules, but Rule 1.2's description encompasses it.

"This includes negligent and reckless driving, provoking accidents, for example blocking the track, doing stunts or doughnuts on the road and so on."

I think that doing such things like what one can see in the replay warrants action being taken. Thank you for reading this.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=0985...3315344347
So yes I was throwing some fences on the road. Quite obvious. Probably trolled a bit too much under the name of KSA, gotta admit!

However - it doesn't take much brain to realize that "messing with Angel" (pushing him) who is my teammate does not concern him, eh?
Similar to messing around with Adamo, the only unfortunate outcome is when he pushed me into traffic making someone else crash because of it. You certainly know Adamo and I are both around for ages - when did we last time see a "veteran" reporting another "veteran"? Oh wait, hello.

By the way, let's hope the 24 hour community ban wasn't issued becuase of you PMing people asking to !report me (also since you are only allowed to !report offenses against yourself). But surely logs will tell the admin who has to waste his time on this.

Cya guys!
This report is being reviewed
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  • 5:24 - This is a non-issue, really. They cause no harm, and it's obvious they are just friends/teammates messing around.
  • 6:35 & 7:00 - Yes, this is impeding others' gameplay.
  • 7:25 - Sure he hits him with a barrier, but the other player seems to actually think it's funny judging from their reaction so I don't see much of a problem here.
  • 7:58 - Fair enough, he interferes with your chase - valid point.
  • 8:33, 8:40 & 9:00 - Again, impeding others' gameplay.
  • 9:25 - Again fair enough, he interferes with your chase - valid point.
  • 9:38 - If he is interfering with an admin and the admin themselves doesn't see much of a reason to deal with it, then that just proves how minor this actually is, honestly.
  • 10:05, 10:27, 10:49, 11:00, 11:20, 11:55, 12:03, 12:20, 13:25, & 14:00 - Same as the rest of the points, indeed it interrupts others' gameplay.
  • 17:02 & 18:20 - Hard to be able to tell if Adamo is seriously bothered by it or not since we see them messing around all of the time, but nevertheless it does cause a problem in the end.

And in response to Dino, the reports do indeed seem to be legitimate - they all come from players who were affected by it, and I could not find any evidence of any foul-play here after checking the chat-logs thoroughly multiple times.

To be honest, the community ban should be enough of a punishment for Dino here, however I will be giving him a confirmable warning regarding the reported issues, and a little bit of a reminder that sometimes it can go a little too far. As you can see, he already admitted that he realised that he probably took it a little far himself.

Also, thanks for at least attempting to talk before reporting - nice to see.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.
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