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If this game is gonna be what i think it is, it will be awesome. Open world driving (TDU'ish) with Forza 4 graphics, physics and sounds? Rolleyes

Meh. Sounds promising ! buuuut.. Meh.

Forza should hurry up and be ported to PC. Doubt it will ever happen but.. still. One can hope.
Yeah it's possible it happens considering its Microsoft's game who have quite a few PC games too.

Halo also belongs to Microsoft, seams like they want too keep their XBOX game for XBOX only... Closedeyes
(2012-05-22 17:50)PeePee Wrote: [ -> ]Forza should hurry up and be ported to PC.

Nothing in the history of ever should be ported to the PC. That's a mistake a lot of companies make these days. It affects everyone, even Rockstar.
Do I really need to buy XBOX now? Laugh
If you survived this long without a 360, don't bother getting one, it's getting towards the end of its life really. Probably no more huge advancements til Xbox 720 or whatever the latest rumour mill has named the future Box.

(Unrelated note, Google Chrome is clearly set up for Americans as it thinks "rumour" should be spelled "rumor", hopefully there is a patch for proper English out there) (Edit: Fixed it, had to set the language to "English (United Kingdom)", although for some reason it still thinks rumor is correct!??!?!?! FU google.)
I never really preferred XBOX over the Sony PS's, but damn I want to get that game and play it Sad
I recently bought an xbox and forza 4 (i have a PS3) and i havent regretted it yet Wink
Well it's a +- for me, I'm getting a motorcycle, I want new speakers, I want a laptop, I want a new table.. So dunno if I can get it Tongue
Sounds like you need disposable income. I like it myself.
I'd most certainly buy it if they release it on PC. Steering wheels for Xbox either suck or even things that make the good ones work are way too expensive to be worth it.
G25 and G27 work on XBox don't they?
You need adapters and stuff for them to work with the Xbox. Theres videos on youtube Wink
Gonna have to re-buy an xbox again after selling it Tongue
This tool here, the XCM Crossfire is one of those adapters.


Price is a bit too steep imo, plus, you need a wired controller too.
NICE! DAMN! Can't wait!.

cant actually wait, but ive already spent well over £120 on it!
Just so you all know, this is being developed in part by Playground Games. Something to note is that Playground is made up of veterans from Codemasters and Bizzarre creations(GRID and Project Gotham).
Been reading Rumours that the next Project Gotham game is being made by Turn 10, and this is made partly by Bizarre Creations vets?
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