[TC] Gaming Forums

Full Version: TCGaming.NET - API Wrapper
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Hi all,

I have spent the last few weekends writing a .NET Wrapper Library for the [TC] Gaming API in the hope it might assist newbies and experienced developers easily interact with data from the [TC] CityDriving servers.

Currently, all CityDriving Statistic API's are supported within this library. Various handling of data has been included to aid the user with conversions, such as:
  • UNIX Date & Time to System.DateTime object
  • String cleaner to remove colour and language formatting from Live For Speed
  • Gaming time conversions
  • Driven distance unit conversions
I've chucked the code onto GitHub, so if anyone spots a bug or can see room for improvement, give me a shout or fork the code and submit a pull request with your additions.

It would be great if the community wanted to get involved to improve this library together!

I have also uploaded this to NuGet, you can access this via the NuGet Package Manager from within Visual Studio - just simply search for TCGaming.NET or run the following within the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package TCGaming.NET -Version

You can find example code on the GitHub page linked above, this should hopefully get people started! I aim to get the Wiki populated as time goes on, to provide a complete user guide to anyone who wants to start from the ground up without any experience!

Would be interested to hear feedback from anyone! Smile

Update: Version
  • Fix: Exception thrown when returning User Profile statistics including certain Property items which were not included within the PropertyType enum.
  • Fix: Summary comments not showing within IntelliSense due to missing XML Documentation File.
  • Fix: Various summary comments added where initially missed from properties.
  • New: Added TimeSpan property to GamingTime object.
  • New: [TC] Icon added to NuGet page.
Latest version is available via NuGet: TCGaming.NET
This project is no longer available due to incompatibility with the recent deprecation of [TC] Gaming API v1.0
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