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Full Version: - report fastranker1 (Report Archived by Josh)
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My Licence Name : salmann

him licence name : fastranker1
him username : you_nos

Replay link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/zp4207e29...s.mpr/file
date: 18.06.2023 09:51 utc
replay time : 41:30:00

information about the accident: I passed the player, then because I had an emergency, I turned on my flashers and drove on the right side of the road, the player must have been greedy, he came behind me and followed closely, eventually crashing (ectum) and causing the accident by deliberately hitting from behind.
This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

Hi Salman,

I have reviewed your MPR.

You say you had an emergency and turned your hazards on. I'm not quite sure what the point of this was as you kept driving normally at the speed limit - an emergency or using your hazard lights seems irrelevant in this crash.

The crash itself was simply caused by you turning into the path of You_nos whilst he was overtaking you. There was also a lag hit (from his side) which made the damage worse however you were still 100% at fault.

You_nos even said in the chat afterwards "Omer", "my internet is bad", "sorry if i hit" despite the fact you cut him up.

This report is frankly a waste of time and no action will be taken.


No Action Taken

This report has been archived
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