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Full Version: Modifying the "Idle Kick" System
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Hi all,

Just trying to get some thoughts on this idea in the hope it can be taken forward...

With the implementation of Test Patch 0.7D50 in to Live For Speed & the [TC] Network, it has brought many new features one of which is an increase in Server Slots to "77 simultaneous connections", but the Grid Sizes have remained the same. I feel that the Idle Kick system is a bit out of date with the implementation of the new features within LFS.

My suggestion is that the "Idle Kick" system needs to be able to discriminate between Individual Server Connections & the Total Number of Players on Track so for example...

Total Number of Players on Track (Grid Sizes)

For Track's with a Grid Size of "40" the "Idle Kick" system should initiate when there is "30 or more players on track" similarly with Track's with a Grid Size of "32" the "Idle Kick" system should only initiate when there is "22 or more players on track".

Server Connections

Because we have got the "Queue System" in place it is far easier & fairer to handle the Capacity of the Server when there is 77 Players in the Server with a full track but the "Idle Kick" system should really only initiate when there is "67 or more players on the server".

This should bring the Idle Kick system somewhat up to date, but any feedback is appreciated Smile.

Thank you all Smile.
At the moment I have nothing to say about the suggestion, but I would like to clarify something:

The 79 slots on the server is a temporary situation which I hope won't last too much longer.
EDIT: I was referring to the situation with 79 slots on the beta server (40 on track) without any other CityDriving server to use.

LFS have raised the connections to 79. There are still 40 maximum vehicles on track.

I assume LFS have done this for one or two reasons (however I am not talking on behalf of LFS or [TC] here):

- 1) Probably to allow for more spectators during high-profile races
- 2) LFS possibly intend to increase the maximum vehicles on track sometime in the future (definitely not necessarily as high as the maximum slots)

Either way, this needs to be tested during the test patch stage. Our server is probably their best chance to test out a server at capacity.

In fact, Scawen was on CityDriving yesterday and noticed a few problems and restarted the server a few times.

I understand it is annoying to join the server and be very low in the queue but we will just have to be a bit patient.

What BP said. Assuming this is a test patch, we need to concentrate in test these new features and wait for an official release. I'm sure max users in track will increase soon. But I can get the point, waiting around 15 minutes to get in can be a bit stressfull.
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