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Would it be possible that Backup didn't show when you are in a chase?
Why? If that were to be the case, join messages should be invisible to cops in a chase too. Furthermore, if another cop's chase is requesting backup and if you call too, it gives a message like 'Backup not available' as far as I know, and thus to avoid causing confusion, that message would probably have to be altered to 'Another cop has called backup - please wait'.

I think it should just stay how it is to be honest.
It shouldn't be too hard to do, but what's the reasoning behind the suggestion?

I find the idea not bad.

I mine if one is pursued in the real life sometimes (what can absolutely happen) one does not see also if a unit in addition comes.

The surprise effect would be bigger, in any case.

It is enough if the cops know who comes as a backup.
Its just rather annoying when you get backup requests whilst you are already in a chase, and when there are multiple backup requests you can't see the statistics of your chase
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