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Full Version: + Report - morreboy (Report Archived by Michi)
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● Your LFS Username: dollarsman

● Their LFS Username(s): morreboy
● Their LFS GameName(s): [ER]MoRRe

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: http://www.multiupload.nl/JWEXMPG3GL
● Replay Timestamps:

1:24:55 - He overtook me 7 sec later.

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)

I responded to a backup call and get into the chase. [ER]Morre overtook me while I was in chase. After the chase, he said that is controller wasn't fixed but I watched him driving in the replay, and for me he lied.

Broken rules :

Quote:1.5. Stay away from chases.

Let suspects and cops pass and give them room for manoeuvring. Do not follow or overtake chases. If a chase gets closer, stay passive, slow down and wait until the situation is over. Do not help the suspect or the police.

1.15. Visual sirens:

Visual sirens indicate cops are in pursuit of a suspect. You are expected to reduce your speed and approach with caution.
This report is being looked into. Please be patient.
Yea that´s right. But my computer show your SIREN after i pass you, so i dind´t now that you have SIREN on!
Oh now it's the computer fault ? You said me before it was controller.
Controller?? It was when i was been stop. then there was something with my cluch so i though that i have lost it. but i haven´t just some problems
Okay, from what I've seen morreboy should have noticed the !siren. Also morreboy didn't make any intention to slow down afterwards, he just started to slow down when there was a cop chasing him. He should've immediatly slowed down after passing you ([6S] Atara. [COP]) at least.
To be honest he shouldn't have passed you at all, but well, I can't see wether his computer has displayed the SIREN or not. But it should have from my point of view.

I will give him a warning for this incident as a reminder to pay attention to chases and don't pass them.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.
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